This is What Is Really in the “Vaccines” [Video]

This is What Is Really in the "Vaccines"Alexandra Bruce – Spanish biostatistician Dr Ricardo Delgado from the La Quinta Columna research group reports on what he and his team have found in the vaxxines over the past year. Each statement Dr Delgado makes here is accompanied by illustrations and details of the published, peer-reviewed scientific papers that back up his claims.

Translated Transcript

Good afternoon, Everyone. My name is Ricardo Delgado and I am the founder and director of La Quinta Columna.

All of the vaccines tested (Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Janssen and Moderna) contain nanotechnology exclusively. We have found nano-routers, which also emit MAC addresses that can be detected with Bluetooth wireless technology by just using your own mobile phone and the help of an app. Continue reading

Graphene Oxide, Trauma, Mice, Cats, And Booster Shots

graphene oxideJoseph P Farrell – The individual who spotted and shared the following story has asked to remain completely anonymous, but I’d like to offer a deep thank you for passing it along…

When you read this story, I think you’ll see why the article is significant, why the individual passed it along, and why it raises so many questions:

Soothing the symptoms of anxiety with graphene oxide

Now, regular readers here will be aware of those articles suggesting a high presence of this compound in some of the quackcines, though there’s an equal if not greater number of articles disputing that (for a review of the claims of finding graphene oxide, see

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