How Humanity Has Enslaved Itself

Andrew Barker – Most people won’t believe they are enslaved, though some believe they are enslaved by the ruling elite. But when we look deeper into this predicament, we may be able to see that we are in fact enslaved or trapped by our own minds.

Man is a slave. He is not born as a slave, he is born free. He is born as freedom, but he is found in chains everywhere. He lives in chains, he dies in chains. This is the greatest calamity that has happened to humanity. – Osho

feelingFeeling vs. Expression

We have a feeling, and then there is the expression of that feeling. The feeling is the intent, the motivation, the driving force. The expression is the action we take to express this feeling. This operates throughout life in everything we do. But conflict and suffering arise when the expression does not match the feeling – and I believe this is the predicament of most of humanity.

For example, an artist has a strong feeling about something, which is authentic; she expresses it on canvas. This expression pleases some people and they buy her work; she gains money and reputation. Her expression gets noticed and becomes fashionable. She seeks to reproduce something of similar quality, and the expression becomes habitual and stylized. Inevitably, the expression becomes more important than the feeling, and soon the feeling evaporates.

When expression becomes all-important because it is pleasurable, satisfying, or profitable, then there is cleavage between expression and feeling. When the feeling IS the expression then the conflict doesn’t arise, and there is no contradiction. But when profit and thought (desire, power, money, status, ego) intervene, then this feeling is lost through greed, and we become a slave to money, desire, and ego. The passion of feeling is entirely different from the passion of expression, and most of society is caught in the passion of expression. Continue reading

The Care And Feeding Of A Financial Black Hole

black holeDmitry Orlov – A while ago I had the pleasure of hearing Sergey Glazyev—economist, politician, member of the Academy of Sciences, adviser to Pres. Putin—say something that very much confirmed my own thinking. He said that anyone who knows mathematics can see that the United States is on the verge of collapse because its debt has gone exponential. These aren’t words that an American or a European politician can utter in public, and perhaps not even whisper to their significant other while lying in bed, because the American eavesdroppers might overhear them, and then the politician in question would get the Dominique Strauss-Kahn treatment (whose illustrious career ended when on a visit to the US he was falsely accused of rape and arrested). And so no European (never mind American) politician can state the obvious, no matter how obvious it is.

The Russians have that pretty well figured out by now. Yes, maintaining a dialogue and cordial directions with the Europeans is important. But it is well understood that the Europeans are just a bunch of American puppets with no will or decision-making authority of their own, so why not talk to the Americans directly? Alas, the Americans too are puppets. The American officials and politicians are definitely puppets, controlled by corporate lobbyists and shady oligarchs. But here’s a shocker: these are also puppets—controlled by the simple imperatives of profitability and wealth preservation, respectively. In fact, it’s puppets all the way down. And what’s at the bottom is a giant, ever-expanding, financial black hole.

Do you like your black hole? If you aren’t sure you like it, then let me ask you some other questions: Do you like the fact that your credit cards still work, or that you can still keep money in the bank and even get cash out of an ATM machine, or that you are either receiving or hope to eventually receive a pension? Do you like the fact that you can get useful things—food, gas, airline tickets—for mere pieces of paper with pictures of dead white men on them?

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Tower Of Greed

Rory Hall  – Ladies and Gentlemen, I have to tell you, today may be the saddest day of my life. If you have not read, in full, Meet The Secretive Group That Runs The World, please stop here and read, in full, the article that should change your view of our world and the way you conduct business. I’ll wait here for your return…

globalOver the past seven years I have dedicated myself to reading, studying and doing my level best to understand how our monetary, financial and economic systems work. Beginning in late 2007 I set out on a course ingesting books, articles and websites, whole. Spending as much as ten hours a day for months attempting to connect the dots. Today I spend approximately twelve to fourteen hours a day filtering through various news articles, books and videos to continue the process of dot-connecting.

When The Daily Coin was born, April 25, 2014, the goal was to help you in your quest for real news and information that would put you and your family in a better position for the coming economic collapse. As of 4:30pm April 12, 2015 it appears my views are about to change. Anyone who is awake and aware is familiar with the manipulation of markets, all markets, the criminality of the banking system and take over of governments, globally, by fascist means. Laws and regulations are now written by and for corporations and local police departments are in place to, specifically, protect the ruling and banking class. The local police also serve another very important function: to strip us of any loose change the banking and ruling class overlooked.

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How We Can Avoid Greed-Induced Cultural Collapse

“By realizing that everything in reality exists within an elaborate interconnected matrix, where everything affects everything else, we will see that the greed and consumerism that we express are negatively affecting not only factors and people external to ourselves, but our own selves as well.” – P Lenda

PigGrabbingDollarsHumanity is no doubt at a crossroads. Critical and key decisions have to be made now that will affect all of our futures.

There are many specifics within society and culture that can be looked at and seen as being detrimental to our overall survival as a species on this planet, as well as the evolution of humanity’s collective consciousness. Behind these issues, lie egoistic expressions such as greed. This idea of greed being incredibly detrimental to our future and survival has even been expressed within mainstream reports.

Greed is defined as the excessive desire for things such as wealth and possessions, and can morph into a psychological addiction, with increased desire for acquiring and consuming more and more, and then even some more. There is never an end to amassing and consuming when bypassing reason and expressing the feeling of greed.

So, it seems that one of the keys to avoiding a dystopian future is the elimination of greed from our minds. The realization of the interconnected nature of everything in reality is definitely one way of achieving this goal.

Consumption and Greed

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It’s Time To Bust It Up

The Controlled Major Mass Media is the Organized Crime Cabal’s official public mouthpiece which they use to Mind-kontrol and Psyop the American People. Now it’s time to bust up this News Cartel.

The Major Mass Media has been systematically consolidated into what is essentially little more than a USG Propaganda and establishment mouthpiece used to Psyop and mind-kontrol the American People.

It is this transformation of an unconsolidated Major Mass Media into the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) that has essentially created a News Monopoly which is owned by the OCC through Cutouts.

This makes all nationally broadcast news quite easy for the OCC to control and control the American Mass Mind rather easily.

From now on when you think of the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) think of Organized Crime which is the entity that owns and control it through Cutouts. Also think about how the CMMM now has the power to construct the social reality for the American People.

Yes, the OCC has been able to transform the Major Mass Media into their own Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM).

MediaOwnershipUSYes, the OCC attained enough power to transform the Major Mass Media into their own illegal News Cartel (the CMMM), the largest Mind-kontrol and Psyop delivery system ever developed.

And yes, the consolidation of the Major Mass Media into the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) created a true Monopoly which is completely illegal despite the fact the OCC’s lawyers have worked hard to conceal it. Look, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, behaves like a duck, then it is a duck no matter what the duck claims.

And this incredibly high level of control the OCC has established over all our National and International News is now a fact of life.

It has allowed the OCC (best described perhaps as the “Establishment”) to actually Psyop and mind-kontrol the American people and create an artificial reality for them that is not only completely false. Continue reading