Green to Balance Timing

greenDjwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

I would like to begin with a green healing color. Just allowing a beautiful green to sort of fill the aura, perhaps also to be shining through the body like a beam of light maybe even radiating in all directions as though the body were a green light bulb glowing and specifically whatever is the shade of green that is a healing for you personally.

We’re moving into a little bit of an interesting time period here where things will be sort of on a time stretch, seemingly taking a long time and then in a very fast period or short sequence, so things moving almost too fast to keep moving with them. Continue reading

Swedish Official Admits Toxic ‘Chemtrails’ Are Real, Not A Wild Conspiracy Theory

The Jeenyus Corner | October 11 2012

Central Intelligence Agency

Those long, white streams of persistent, cloudy haze commonly blasted into blue skies by unmarked airplanes are not your typical contrails, says Swedish Green Party leader Pernilla Hagberg. As reported by the Swedish paper Katrineholms Kuriren, Hagberg, the first major political leader to come forward on the issue, has openly admitted that these unusual cloud trails, which fail to dissipate like normal contrails do, are actually a toxic mix of chemicals, viruses, and metals that she has collectively referred to as “chemtrails.”

According to Hagberg, the sprayings are a joint endeavor by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), as well as the Swedish government in her own country, to modify atmospheric conditions via deliberate aerosol spraying efforts. And included in this “dangerous” mix of aerosols are various chemical components, viruses and viral fragments, and metals such as aluminum and barium, which have already been shown to be accumulating in water supplies and soils around the world. (

Normal contrails, which are composed of mere water vapor that quickly dissipates after emission from jet engines, are far different from chemtrails, which gradually blanket the entire sky in a sea of white. The following video, put together by the FreeTruth Show, a YouTube-based radio broadcast, contains some imagery of what these chemtrails typically look like in the sky:

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