Gov. Abbott Of Texas And The Jade Helm-15 “Red Herring” Discussion [Video]

Mr Cati – This video report discuss the recent actions of Gov. Abbott of Texas who ordered the Texas State Guard to monitor the Jade Helm 15 military exercise. It is my personal opinion, that his actions are a “Red Herring,” intended to distract the public from the truth of why he would send Texas State Guard to monitor Jade Helm. This would also infer that the actions of Gov. Abbott of Texas are in sync with the planners of Jade Helm and in full cooperation with those whom Gov. Abbott operates with in secret


It is my contention that Gov. Abbott sent the Texas State Guard not to monitor Jade Helm, but to secretly augment the existing Jade Helm military forces, in sectors and or zones that the Texas Guard can assist with.what many think is a coming foreign invasion into the USA and into Texas from from the South.

The area of expected future combat is defined by the locations of all Walmart closed stores and which appears to be mainly in the State of Texas where the invading forces will be allowed to advance into a killing zone, that will allow the US military to then defeat the invading army and to then declare a victory that can be used to advance a political agenda and Gov. Abbott, to go with it. Continue reading