Vow to love yourself

loveThe Angels – If you could love yourselves, your real selves, then most of you would find yourself living a vastly different and more beautiful life. Self Love, as we speak of it, is not simply “feeling good” about yourself. It is not feeling as if you are better than anyone else. It is not simply doing nice things for yourself. It is, instead, being willing to acknowledge the light of Divinity within you… no matter what.

Self love allows you to receive our help. Self love places you in an energy field of truth, in which the Creator and your angels have the ability to assist you. Self love makes you desire to be kind to others and compassionate even to those who hurt you.

When you give yourself the love you are seeking you do not depend on others to do it for you. When you acknowledge your own divine spark in even your darkest times, you can acknowledge it in others, even when they are in the depths of their own darkness. When you see who and what you truly are, you will not allow yourself to be in unkind circumstances for long… for you will know your power to create change and you will know that the entire universe is behind you.

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