Are Harmful Gut Organisms Negatively Impacting Your Health?

Dr. Edward Group – Bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites — there are many types of harmful organisms and nearly everyone is affected at some point in their life.[1] Different types of harmful organisms affect the body differently. In this article, we’ll look at harmful organisms that affect well-being by targeting and disrupting gut health.

This is a good time to mention that you probably shouldn’t eat while reading this article. Just trust me…

What Are Harmful Organisms?

Harmful organisms are organisms that live off another organism by living on or in them. Essentially, the harmful organism takes up residence in the host organism. In this relationship, harmful organisms steal nutrients and release waste to negatively affect the overall health of the host organism. Harmful organisms are present everywhere, from developing nations to those considered first-world, and have plagued humans since the beginning of time; references even appear in some of our oldest written records.[2, 3]

What Is “The Gut?”

The human digestive tract is a complex system comprised of many parts that, together, function as a single unit. Organs, enzymes, bacteria (commonly referred to as the gut microbiota), and other components collectively make up what we know as “the gut.” In many ways, it is a model ecosystem. Continue reading

The Pesky Pathogens That Can Cause Cancer: What You Can Do About It

chronicDr. Jessica – In the age of awakening, it seems everyone is finding their own personal truth about health and productive life changes. It is quite frustrating that often even with the strictest of GMO free, organic, gluten free, vegan or vegetarian diet, we are still unable to overcome some persistent health issues. Most of us are not satisfied with the answers we received in school or in our careers, especially concerning true healthcare. Become your own best health advocate and do your research. At some point in your journey, it may become vital to look at INFECTIOUS causes of chronic diseases such as cancer or autoimmune conditions.

Researchers are discovering that infections by viruses, bacteria, or fungi are linked to or can trigger the beginning of neurodegenerative conditions, cancers, and autoimmune conditions, and have the ability to permanently change our DNA. Sometimes, even with the best diet, the body is still overwhelmed, as all its resources are going to fight off the offending pathogen (virus, bacteria, fungus). As long as we continue to keep the mind, spirit, and body healthy, then no pathogen can live in the body.

Throughout medical history, scientists dismissed the role of acute or chronic infections that could potentially cause a noninfectious disease. For example, cancer isn’t contagious, so how could it possibly be caused by a contagious and acute pathogen? In 1982, scientists Barry Marshall and Robin Warren proved that Heliobacter Pylori, a bacteria that invades the gut, can cause ulcers and acid reflux, leading to cancer. Yes, an acute infection produced a chronic and noninfectious disorder. Warren and Marshall won the 2005 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their discovery.

What Other Diseases are Linked to Infectious Agents?

There are many, and some are directly linked while others are indirectly linked. Continue reading

10 Superfoods To Improve Digestion & Gut Health

Jeff Roberts – Our digestive tract, also known as our gut, is one of the most sensitive and interconnected systems in our body. We now know that our our gut is directly linked to our brain health, with both systems having the ability to communicate via the nervous system, hormones, and the immune system, meaning that our gut is essentially a portal to our overall health and mental well-being.

gutUnfortunately, many of us suffer from defective guts, caused by years of damage from foods that inflame or perforate our gut lining and promote the growth of ‘bad’ bacteria while lessening the ‘good’ bacteria, also known as probiotics. Some of these uncomfortable diseases can go unnoticed for decades, such as leaky gut or IBS, slowly ticking away at your quality of life until chronic disease manifests.

However, the good news is that we have the ability to heal our damaged guts, over time, by cutting out certain dietary triggers and replacing them with the right food sources.

Dr. Mercola has put together a wonderful list of 10 gut-healing superfoods that everyone should be incorporating into their regular diet regime, here they are!

10) Aloe Vera

As Mercola explains, “aloe vera gel is rich in enzymes and has antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties. It’s also a powerful anti-inflammatory, making it useful for soothing a number of digestive complaints.”

Aloe also contains high amounts of an immune-stimulating polysaccharide, especially mannose, which has been shown to induce white blood cells to secrete interferon, tumor necrosis factor, and beneficial cytokines.

Aloe is useful in the fight against: Continue reading