Create Harmony In Your Life

balanceFinding balance in our lives is an elusive dream for many of us. Trying to balance home, work, health, spirituality and free time seems almost impossible.

Well, I am pleased to tell you that I’ve found the answer to creating balance in your life:

Forget about balance, you’ll never have it. Instead, create harmony in your life!

This differentiation is more than just semantics. It is a critical approach to looking at life that can free you up to see the world in a different way.

“Balance” assumes that we must spend a certain portion of each week devoted in equal measure to every item important in our life. The problem with this is that almost no one can really achieve that. Continue reading

Your Life Has A Purpose

lifeBabajide Faseyi – We have not been taught to trust in life. We have not been taught to trust in life and so we many times make plans of our own before truly seeing what it is that life wants from us.

What you are here to do may not yet have a category or a name. What you are here to do may be so completely new, that it is only through the process that life is taking you on that you will get to discover it.

And so we have been taught…

We’ve been taught that our complete destiny is in our own hands, that we must strive and push and create from our ego. Taught that we should create from our minds and not our hearts. We have been taught that we must take life into our own hands instead of stepping back and seeing that life is already holding us in its own hands. Continue reading

Living in Transparency

You have been waiting many lifetimes for the great Grace that is being offered you during these extraordinary times.  The veils are being lifted and you are discovering their illusory nature as you actualize your present mission to once again merge fully into the Christ that you are. ~ Jeshua the Christ

presenceLiving in transparency means living with no remaining charges of energy, either positive or negative, related to any memories you may still be holding related to this or any other lifetime.  No matter how horrific, how selfish, or how long any memory may have endured, in transparency there is no remaining energy related to any part of your past, especially those that may have still been sustaining any form of guilt, shame or unworthiness.

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The Earth Is Sentient

planetVeronica – The planet on which you stand is a living consciousness having an experience, just as you are.

Awareness of itself is a personal beautiful sequence in the order of all things. We have spoken before of the relationship that all life has with each other on the physical plane. Each one has a level of awareness and consciousness that is occurring each moment. It is important to create the same respect for plants, animals, and all levels of life. Each one does indeed create an individual experience. A tree is just as conscious as you are. The only difference is that a tree is having a different level of interaction. The same is true for animals, sea life, and any other creation in physical reality.

Perhaps consider becoming available to a blend of knowledge that is indeed available with every item that exists.

Everything has consciousness. Be aware that there are indeed different levels. Be aware that this should incite you to be respectful and loving of all linear creation.

The earth has an awareness of all of you. Be determined to be involved in the well being of this planet. It requires a level of thought that includes treating it with a tenderness of feeling as well.

Many fear the end of times. Many fear the planetary destruction that has been prophesiesed for centuries. Many fear the uselessness of their own actions in regard to saving anything in troubled times.

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Transmuting Fear Into Love

SteveRotherGreetings from Home, dear ones.

The energy of this day is magical beyond your understanding. You have found a vision of your future that very few humans have ever seen. You are accustomed to looking at your history only after the fact. F possibly the first time in the evolution of humanity, you have the ability of looking forward on the timeline. Now there are challenges, and adjustments have to take place. Much is in motion, dear ones. As you have seen from your financial perspective, and even your astrological perspective, you are now going to hear of spirit’s view. Basically you went through a change, a major shift. We had predicted this and talked about at the end of your 12-12-12. That portal was actually much bigger than most people understood and as you went through the energy, you started a wave. That wave has its precession and its recession—it goes forward and comes back again. Many times when it goes forward you consider that to be the advancement of humanity. As it washes back, which is its natural reaction; it has a tendency to bring out some of the worst of humanity. Well, that is what you have been experiencing continually on your planet ever since going through that portal.

A Wave Moving Back and Forth

So, now you have a new energy starting to land on planet Earth. It is bringing those things that you have been dreaming of, the possibilities of being conscious creators on your planet. Although we tell you of the greatness of moving into this energy and the tremendous abilities that you will uncover as you do, we also tell you there is a lot of adjustment that needs to take place for this to happen. That adjustment will be seen as a wave coming in and a wave moving back. Continue reading