CV19 Bioweapon Catastrophe is Murder [Video]

CV19 Bioweapon Catastrophe is Murder Greg Hunter – World renowned CV19 critical care and pulmonary expert Dr. Pierre Kory is now running a full-time CV19 vaccine injury practice.   With more than 675 million CV19 bioweapon/vax injections in America alone, he has a lifetime of work ahead of him.

Kory says, “We live in a country where there is a humanitarian crisis unfolding, and it’s being kept a secret. . . . Most of society is just humming along thinking vaccines are ‘safe and effective,’ and they don’t understand that these vaccines were a humanitarian catastrophe.  It really affected the health and the survival of us as a country.

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New law protects docs who prescribe ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine

 law protects docs who prescribe ivermectin, hydroxychloroquineArt Moore – Reacting to the suppression of certain “controversial” treatments for COVID-19, Missouri passed a law that bans pharmacists from questioning doctors who prescribe ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for their patients.

The measure passed the Missouri House by a 130-4 vote last week and now is at the desk of Republican Gov. Mike Parsons, the Kansas City Star reported.

The bill, the paper said, would bar state medical licensing boards from punishing or removing the medical licenses of doctors who “lawfully” prescribe the two drugs. Continue reading

Fauci Was Informed of Hydroxychloroquine Success in Early 2020

Fauci liedJim Hoft – It’s been over a year since the WHO declared the coronavirus a pandemic after originally downplaying the threat.  It is no secret that both the disease and the response to combat it following this SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in late 2019 have turned our world upside-down.

Mandates, lockdowns, and guidelines seem to change every time Dr. Fauci opens his mouth.   All of these unprecedented rules were put into place, we were told, to slow down the spread of a disease that today is linked to the death of over half a million Americans and 3.7 million global citizens in the last year.

You would think that researchers would have concentrated on prophylactic and therapeutic solutions of this disease especially since this disease is a death sentence for the elderly, the obese, those with preexisting conditions.  The coronavirus doctors have forced children to avoid school, mask up, and get vaccinated.  One would think that after all this time there would be a consensus in the hospitals, in the nursing homes, and in other treatment centers on how to treat a Covid positive patient or resident.  This is not the case. Continue reading

COVID deaths plunge after major world city introduces ivermectin

Authorities create home-treatment-kit for 22 million-strong population

ivermectin Art Moore – A citywide initiative in Mexico City to prescribe ivermectin to COVID-19 patients resulted in a plunge in hospitalizations and deaths, two studies found.

Hospitalizations were down by as much as 76%, according to research by the Mexican Digital Agency for Public Innovation, Mexico’s Ministry of Health and the Mexican Social Security Institute, according to a TrialSiteNews report highlighted by LifeSiteNews.

Earlier this month, as WND reported, a significant decrease in cases in India coincided with the national health ministry’s promotion of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine treatments. Continue reading

Quercetin – a treatment for coronavirus?

hydroxychloroquineGreen Star Project – Hope you are well, physically and mentally. Here are some tentative ideas about the link between coronavirus, zinc, and a natural product called quercetin, which is a flavonoid found in food.

You’ve probably heard by now of the drug hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) that has been under investigation for treatment of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).

Recommendations from Chinese doctors to employ it (the initial recommendation, on Feb 18 was to employ chloroquine phosphate, a related drug) were followed by a small-scale study from French researchers, published on March 20, which was promising but not definitive. Continue reading