June 2023 Monthly Forecast

The theme for June is: “Intuitive Choices”

June 2023 Monthly ForecastLena Stevens – Emotional clarity becomes more available this month as we assimilate the lessons of the recent eclipses and align ourselves with the next intuitive step. The theme of Intuitive Choices has everything to do with stepping into the power of trusting the heart instead of the head and allowing for our curiosity and what is choosing us to be the compass instead of a plan based on a rationalized set of responsibilities and expectations.

There is an opportunity to settle into right timing and the magic of synchronicity and spontaneous events that feel emotionally aligned. In this energetically softer month we can begin to really feel what wants to support us and where we may be struggling down the wrong path. Continue reading

Guided Meditation Into The Heart of Love

Guided Meditation Into The Heart of LoveJafree Ozwald – This simple exercise is extremely profound. If it is done continuously and persistently, it’ll bring more peace and joy into your life with each grand and glorious day you have. Here’s how you do it.

Gently place your attention on your heart and visualize it as a powerful warm glowing source of infinite light. Like the sun, begin to sense the warmth that it radiates from the inside.

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You’ve been effectively fooled about who you are

fooled about who you are.John Smallman – You are never alone!  There is only One – and this is NOT a limitation!  You, every sentient being, are One with Source always and without interruption; for you to be separated is impossible.  However, by incarnating as a human each one of you chose to experience separation and amnesia.

The separation that you are experiencing is unreal, illusory, and when you awaken the illusion and all its effects will just dissolve, leaving behind no trace or memory whatsoever. Continue reading

Our Connections with Others are Important

Marcia Sirota – Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about the importance of making connections with others. We all really need them, but it seems that people are more disconnected than they’ve ever been.

connectRecently, I had a conversation with the psychotherapist Megan Bruneau, for my Ruthless Compassion podcast. She’s also noticed how people are lonelier and alienated these days.

In her practice, Ms. Bruneau has observed how disconnection and isolation lead to problems such as depression, anxiety, even psychosis. Her recommendation was that we make more of an effort to connect with each-other daily.

Sadly, our consumerist society has resulted in people increasingly seeing each-other as objects to exploit and take advantage of, when all we really need is to connect with one-another.

Why Do We Seek Friends?

More and more, people are being reduced to one basic function: as a source of money, social status, political or career advancement, or sex.

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We Are In A Time Of Accelerated Growth

heartMary O’Malley – What has your mind been doing with the election? Some of you may be feeling good, and some may be feeling dismayed.  If you are feeling good, is it because you think you “got what you wanted” and that will guarantee that you aren’t going to get what you don’t want?  How would you have felt if it had gone the other way?  And if you are feeling dismayed, is your mind filled with fear about what may happen as a result of Trump’s policies being implemented?

Take a moment and ask yourself, “Do these thoughts and feelings open my heart? Do they bring more spaciousness, kindness and trust?” Or do they bring reaction, judgment, fear and reinforce the ‘us and them’ point of view. There is another way to relate to the huge rift in our country that this election has amplified. There is a way that helps us to see this, not as a breakdown, but as a breakthrough time. There is a way of relating to all of this that allows each one of us to become a part of the healing that always available in chaos.

This new way comes from the understanding that whenever we are in a time of accelerated growth, there is always chaos as the old way is letting go and a new way is showing up. Think of the American and French revolutions and you will know what I mean.  Out of chaos came a representative form of government! There is a wonderful quote by Cynthia Occelli  that speaks to the healing that can come from times like this: “For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes. To someone who doesn’t understand growth, it would look like complete destruction.”

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