Silent Meditation Benefits Our Mental Health

Silent Meditation Benefits Our Mental HealthKelly Brogan – Hello, I’m Kelly Brogan, and I’m a productivity junkie.

Yes, I have lived so many years in my masculine energy that doing, fixing, mastering, owning, and finishing have been my most defining features. As an ambitious doer, I am wired differently – and it may sound great, but trust me, it’s not.

Being a productivity addict feels, in so many ways, the same as a living a life crippled by incompletion and ineffectiveness. Both lifestyles feel overwhelming because of an external focus on evidence for self worth. There’s a racket in the mind and it’s saying: there’s not enough. Ever. Continue reading

Raise Vibration Through Compassion & Unconditional Love

heartArjun Walia – An internationally recognized nonprofit research and education organization, the Institute of HeartMath dedicates itself to helping people reduce stress, self-regulate emotions, and build energy and resilience for healthy, happy lives. HeartMath tools, technology, and training teach people to rely on the intelligence of their hearts in concert with that of their minds at home, school, work, and play.

It’s becoming clearer to many of us that working together with kindness, compassion and acceptance are the missing pieces for resetting humanity’s fast and furious trajectory into separation and division. It’s also becoming obvious that we cannot create solutions from the same consciousness level that’s creating the problems. Raising our consciousness vibration for drawing peaceful solutions is an undertaking that calls for kindness, forgiveness and an inclusive love that respects our differences. Continue reading