Ways to Survive During Heat Waves

When it’s extremely hot outside most of us have learned we should drink more water, not wander around in the scorching midday sun without head cover, not wear synthetics, and ventilate the room before going to bed. While these are time-tested solutions there are additional somewhat unusual, highly effective strategies we can implement to cool down rapidly.

Here are a few.

Ice Massage

ice machineDo you remember the Tom and Jerry episode in which Jerry puts the cat in the freezer when it had a very high temperature? Current heat waves in certain areas of the world differ little from oven temperatures. If you’re in one of those environments or experiencing an atypical local heat wave an ice massage is one of the quickest ways to reduce the body’s internal heat and allow you to feel immediate relief.

Use two ice cubes from a small ice machine and gently massage your forehead and neck area with a soothing circular motion. Bioactive points that regulate blood pressure are located in these zones and are activated by the ice. Once this area has been activated place some additional ice cubes in small plastic bags and attach them to your elbows, knees, and ankles. Continue reading