Love it till it arrives!

helpThe Angels – Have you asked your angels for help today? If not, take a moment. Think of something you want help with – the first thing that arises within you. It can be something big like a relationship. It can be something small like just having someone be kind to you today. It can be inspiration to eat healthfully, or help finding a new bicycle.

No request for assistance is too large or small. for we know that underneath every request you make you are asking for love. You all, without exception want to remember your connection with love. You remember it through relationships, through kindness, and through good food. You remember it by feeling joyous about your new bicycle, or by experiencing peace with a difficult person. In every desires you have – be it a grand home, or a tiny bit of comfort – you are asking for love. Continue reading

The Real America is on Display in Houston

helpConservative Zone – A little more than a week ago, the news headlines were dominated by stories of hatred, violence, racial divides, protests, and death. After Hurricane Harvey made landfall bringing with it an onslaught of rain devastating Southern Texas, the narrative began changing for the better.

Admittedly, since the devastation of property and loss of life with this storm is real, there is still communication about heartache and loss. However, throughout the news coverage showing the storm’s after-effects, there is a great deal of focus on the good going on in Houston. Average Americans are working tirelessly to get to stranded residents in need of assistance. This, not displays of hatred like in Charlottesville, is what represents real America.

But how long will all of this last?

Americans Take the Tragedy into Their Own Hands

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Ann Albers ~ Messages From The Angels

helpThe Angels – “Expect the unexpected,” is a common phrase upon your earth. We would say, “Embrace the now, Anticipate the Best!” for in truth dear ones, if you anticipate the best you tend to draw yourselves towards it! If you understand that all things are truly possible with God, then rather than bracing for disappointment, you will joyfully look forward to the surprises and assistance on the path ahead.

God loves you! We love you! We celebrate your presence upon the earth. We celebrate your eternal being. We celebrate when you ask us for assistance because you are using your free will to love yourselves and ask for help. We want to give you the present of Presence over the holidays… the presence of love, the presence of joy, the presence of grace. Allow us please to help you!

We know you are busy during the holidays but everything would go so much more smoothly if you would start and end your day with the Divine. Take a few minutes each morning. “Dear God, Dear Angels, this is what I would like to accomplish this day. Please help me. If you have other plans, dear God, help me trust that you really do know what you’re doing with my life and the universe, and that you love me. Help me trust that my desires will be fulfilled in the most perfect way at the most perfect time. Thank you.” And then dear friends you go about your day, trusting that you will receive all the help you need and that when something does not look as you think it “should” there is always a greater reason.

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