April – A Month of Recovery, Recognition, and Transformation

aprilHenry Seltzer – This current month of April is in many ways a continuation of the intense transformational thrust of the previous thirty-one days of March, although Mercury is now in direct motion, and slowly recovering.

The first few days will feel very much like Mercury never even turned around, because of a unique circumstance: in the waning days of the previous month, Mercury stationed just ahead of mystical and otherworldly Neptune, so that a forming conjunction immediately took place. This dynamic aspect, with Mercury still slow-moving, stays partile or same-degree all the way through the third of April.

We will see further evidence of vague ungroundedness, idealism and illusion, and questioned perceptions. Then, two days later, the Aries New Moon makes close aspects with Neptune, including the Sun being contra-parallel to Neptune within one tenth of a degree. The first week of April is therefore likely to be a quite confusing time.

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