Foods That Speed Up Aging While Promoting Sickness

transFatPaul Fassa – Eating what’s quick, convenient, and tasty may fit your lifestyle for now, but you may be subjecting yourself to progressively worsening health. If you don’t shift to a healthier diet, someday sooner rather than later you’ll be a young person in an old person’s body, wondering what happened. Below are 8 foods you should avoid to age gracefully and avoid sickness.

Avoid These 8 Food-Like Substances

1. Despite FDA press releases announcing its ban of trans fatstrans-fatty processed hydrogenated oils are still ubiquitous. Don’t use them for cooking or salad dressings. They’re less expensive, but they’ve been processed only for creating a longer shelf life while shortening your time with a healthy life. Continue reading

High Fructose Corn Syrup, Fructose, Corn Syrup – Poison By Any Other Name

“Though you can save yourself a lot of time and trouble deciphering labels and trying to figure our what the food industry is hiding. Eat – real – food! It’s simple.” J Wahlers

cartoon_gmo_cornWhen chemicals added to processed foods earn a bad rep for causing disease and disability, one would hope the food manufacturers would remove them from their products or the FDA would protect the American people by banning them, but neither seems to be the case – not when big money is at stake. Instead the food manufacturers either launch dis-information campaigns claiming their additives are either healthy or benign, or they confuse and deceive the consumer by using a different name for the same additive. For example, according to The Truth in Labeling Campaign, MSG can be found in food under 50 different names.

With this history of deceit, it comes as no surprise to learn that we now have to look for high fructose corn syrup and aspartame under new names.

High fructose corn syrup

Dr. Mark Hyman has spent more than ten years studying high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), reading and interviewing “most of the ‘medical and nutrition experts’”.
He states the following reasons why we should never eat HFCS and why eating it may kill you. Continue reading

Why You Should Start Eating Cereal Before Bed

DoctorsHealthPress  November 15 2013

CerealMany people enjoy a snack before bed, and this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Sure, many people advise not to eat anything after seven p.m. According to many nutritionists and medical professionals, leaving the stomach empty of food means that your body can concentrate on doing necessary maintenance and repairs, instead of digesting a meal. But the truth is, for many of us, having an empty stomach while we sleep, is, well, uncomfortable. It just feels a little more restful to have something in there when we’re sleeping.

So if you’re going to eat a bedtime snack, is there one food that’s better than another? You certainly don’t want to chow down on some greasy food or snacks that are high in fat. Fat is complex to digest and the effort your body takes to perform this task could keep you semi-awake, instead of sleeping deeply. The same could be said of proteins. Some proteins are easier to digest than others, of course. Red meat before bed wouldn’t be wise, but a little milk in a bowl of cereal should be fine.

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Hidden Gluten: 7 Foods You May Not Know Contain Gluten

NaturalSociety  October 5 2013

The food industry is known for their ability to rename, reformulate, or simply hide ingredients in order to deceive consumers. Just when people began realizing how bad high fructose corn syrup is, the corn industry introduced “corn sugar” to placate the masses. MSG, one of the most damaging food additives out there, has dozens of other names by which food producers can list it. Now, gluten is on consumer radars, not necessarily because it’s harmful to everyone, but because some people have difficulty digesting it. Gluten-free has become the new en-vogue eating style and food makers know it.

Unlike MSG and HFCS, however, food makers are pretty forthcoming about gluten. They are quick to point out on their labels if something is “gluten-free” because they know they can charge more and hit consumers who currently feel limited by what they can buy while trying to avoid gluten. Or, maybe some companies are trying to help people.

While gluten certainly isn’t the number one culprit in today’s toxic substances department, people are still trying to avoid it. And while many products represent the ‘gluten-free’ label, there are some foods that contain gluten you might not know about.

7 Foods (Potentially) Containing Gluten

Here are 7 foods that may contain gluten that you might not know about. Continue reading

Simple Steps To Heavy Metal Chelation, Preventing Damage From Heavy Metals

Natural Society May 6 2013

Drinking waterIt’s not likely that you are the victim of arsenic poisoning. But the average modern lifestyle could put you in contact with heavy metals through your food, the air you breathe, and the water you drink—not to mention the products you use in your home. These heavy metals can do significant damage to your body over time. Luckily there are completely natural ways to expel these metals from your body and therefore prevent the damage they are capable of causing.

Heavy metal chelation is often marketed as some major undertaking that requires bottles of various supplements and several days of free time to dedicate to the process. And while significant heavy metal contamination may warrant such an approach, your body can handle heavy metal removal with just some simple additions to your diet and lifestyle.

Drink Water

Firstly, stay hydrated. No toxins will be removed if you don’t provide the vehicle for them to exit on. In other words, water is the ultimate purifier and should be your first line against toxins of all kinds. Make sure your water is purified and free of fluoride and chlorine whenever possible. And don’t wait until you are thirsty to drink water; drink it when you first wake, with meals, throughout the day, and before bed. Drink water when you exercise and when you relax. Basically, drink it all the time.

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