The Joys of Surgery…Grrrr!

surgeryMary O’Malley – I want to share a story with you where we will have to slog through the weeds before we get to a spacious and healing view, for this is a story about my hip replacement surgery.  When I told some people about the surgery, several of them said they had heard this was an easy surgery.

I felt relief because the spine surgery I had in February was very intense. But the first inkling that maybe this wasn’t true came when I met with the surgeon for my pre-op appointment.  He said that I would wish I hadn’t had surgery for the first three weeks. But I still imagined that this would be less painful than the spine surgery.

At my post-op appointment two weeks after the surgery, the x-ray technician asked me how I was doing. When I said I was slowly progressing, he responded that when he is present for this surgery (they take x-rays all throughout the surgery) he was amazed that people would heal at all because the surgery was so brutal. Continue reading