Universe May Be A Matrix-Like Computer Game Designed By Aliens

dark matterAaron BrownWelcome to The Matrix. You’ve lived here all your life. Everything you have ever done or will do could simply be the product of a highly-advanced computer code. Every relationship, every sentiment, every memory could have been generated by banks of supercomputers.

This was the terrifying theory first proposed by British philosopher Nick Bostrom.

The shocking hypothesis was penned four years after Andrew and Lana Wachowski wrote and directed The Matrix, a film set in a dystopian future in which humans are subdued by a simulated reality.

In his paper, Dr. Bostrom suggested a race of far-evolved descendants could be behind our digital imprisonment.

The futuristic beings – human or otherwise – could be using virtual reality to simulate a time in the past or recreate how their remote ancestors lived.

Sound crazy? Well, it turns out NASA thinks Dr. Bostrom might be right.

The Standard Model of Physics does not yet hold an explanation for the force of gravity.

Rich Terrile, director of the Centre for Evolutionary Computation and Automated Design at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, has spoken out about the digital simulation. ”Right now the fastest NASA supercomputers are cranking away at about double the speed of the human brain,” the NASA scientist told Vice. “If you make a simple calculation using Moore’s Law [which roughly claims computers double in power every two years], you’ll find that these supercomputers, inside of a decade, will have the ability to compute an entire human lifetime of 80 years – including every thought ever conceived during that lifetime – in the span of a month. “In quantum mechanics, particles do not have a definite state unless they’re being observed.

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Opening your Spirit to Unconditional Love

Dr. Suzanne Lie

Blessings, I am Archangel Zadkiel. I come to you today through your Third Eye and High Heart to remind you all that your Third Eye and High Heart can identify and see through EVERY third dimensional “false flag” and “projected illusion.”

As the Dark Ones become increasingly desperate, they will stop at nothing to maintain the Power Over Others that they have gained through the fear that they have created through the power of fearful illusions that they have created.

However, what the Dark Ones cannot realize is that many of those who were once within the clutches of their fearful illusions have expanded their consciousness enough to be able to differentiate between an illusion from an actual reality.

I, Zadkiel, will NOW share how your expanded consciousness allows you to differentiate between that which is a holographic projection and that which is third or fourth and/or fifth dimensional reality that has been created by the unified, collective consciousness of the members of each of the frequencies of reality.

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Understanding the relationship between the organic and the holographic

Irina Iosub – In my eBook I speak about the fact that we are organic beings having a holographic experience. Since this is such a complex and relevant topic, I wish to go into further detail.

Organic vs. Holographic

organicThe universe in which we exist is organic in nature. Contrary to the current narrative within the alternative community, the universe is not all holographic.

I will try to explain.

Beyond all creation and all universes, we are eternal beings, existing within an absolute internal state of self. You can think of this as source, soul, or true core essence. It doesn’t have a shape, it can’t be defined, it simply is. It wasn’t created, it doesn’t belong to something else, it has no beginning, no end, it is infinite in nature, self-sustainable (doesn’t require anything in order to exist), and it’s infinitely capable of creation.

When soul creates, it basically spawns organic life into existence. It projects it outwards from within, as an extension of self. Organic life (and implicitly the organic universe) is simply something that comes directly from source, an actual continuation of self, which means that it is absolutely eternal, self-sustainable and unlimited in nature also. There is no actual separation at any point between source and organic life.

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Project Blue Beam: Yes, the Gov’t Researched Projecting Holograms of God as a Mass Psyop

technologyMelissa Dykes & Aaron Dykes – “Seeing” and “hearing” haven’t been equal to “believing” for a long time.

Some people have claimed that Project Blue Beam — a government conspiracy to attempt to instill a New World Order by making the masses believe in a technologically simulated second coming of Christ — was completely made up and has no real basis in reality.

Considering how screwed up what we just typed is, we actually wish those people were right.

Unfortunately, they’re wrong.

We came across a Washington Post article written in 1999 entitled, “When Seeing and Hearing Isn’t Believing”, all about psychological operations, or psyops. When they started talking about projecting holograms of Allah over Iraq, they weren’t joking around. Continue reading

“Computer Code” Found in the Fabric of Space

computerPao L. Chang  – The idea that we live in a holographic universe that uses a form of quantum “computer code” to create the physical reality is not a new idea. In the 1940s, some physicists suggested that we live in a “computer generated” universe. In the video at the end of this article, physicists James Gates talks about this form of computer code, which he refers to as “adinkras”.

In my book titled Staradigm (published in 2011), I mentioned about this idea and roughly explained how it worked. It is great to finally hear that physicists of today are finding evidence that the Universe is a giant hologram.

Here is an excerpt from my book that explains how reality works at the fundamental levels:

When we paint a picture or model a three dimensional object using computer software, all the instructions are processed by the CPU and its counterparts before they are projected onto the screen. This process happens almost instantaneously, and it shows that instructions are processed by the CPU before they are used to create the computer generated object. In a sense, our picture or three dimensional model is nothing more than a perception of the CPU.

If we look at the computer from the outside, our artwork looks solid. If we take apart the outside layers of the computer and watch in slow motion how its hardware works beyond the microscopic level, we will see that it is made of vast streams of electrical currents. Electrical currents are another form of energy.

At this level, our artwork will look like flashes of electrical currents. This analogy of how a computer works is similar to how our minds and consciousness create our illusionary external reality. …

If we can go beyond time and space and look down at our third dimensional reality, we will see that our reality is also made of flashes of electrical signals or light. In other words, this is the state of our reality before it is processed by our consciousness. The reason why we perceive things as solid is because our bodies and consciousness encode the energy patterns around us as solid. It is at this moment that we are tricked into believing that our reality is made of solid materials.

Here is an excerpt from my article titled How Frequency and Vibration Create Sacred Geometry and the Structures of Matter and Life that explains this process a little deeper: Continue reading