Mind Trick #1: Perceivable Reality Is A State Of Consciousness

Sonia Barrett – The number one trick of your mind: Perceivable reality is simply a state of consciousness. It is the field of thought or thought field in which we become entranced. Each moment of reality is being reflected from the field of energy radiating from thought.

thoughtUltimately, we exist in our minds. MIND can be defined as the space in which the thinking process occurs. It is the space in which thought is born within the private mind space of the individual.

We exist in an individual mind space while sharing an overall collective space of mind. It is the collective space of mind that holds this holographic/ virtual reality in its present existence.

All that we taste, smell, see, hear and touch is holographic. It is the solidity of thought, the finality of thought that maintains the holographic projections.

It is the conclusiveness of thought that solidifies believability as the thought is then held in the space of indefinite contemplation/ focus.

The texture of all preceding thoughts is determined by the architecture and the composition of energy of the original thought. Each thought however, begins its own divine expansion.

There are three levels of mind:

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Project Blue Beam: Yes, the Gov’t Researched Projecting Holograms of God as a Mass Psyop

technologyMelissa Dykes & Aaron Dykes – “Seeing” and “hearing” haven’t been equal to “believing” for a long time.

Some people have claimed that Project Blue Beam — a government conspiracy to attempt to instill a New World Order by making the masses believe in a technologically simulated second coming of Christ — was completely made up and has no real basis in reality.

Considering how screwed up what we just typed is, we actually wish those people were right.

Unfortunately, they’re wrong.

We came across a Washington Post article written in 1999 entitled, “When Seeing and Hearing Isn’t Believing”, all about psychological operations, or psyops. When they started talking about projecting holograms of Allah over Iraq, they weren’t joking around. Continue reading