‘Ihidayo’ and Awakening Christ Consciousness

holy grailAlison Dhuanna – ‘Ihidayo’ is an Aramaic word meaning ‘single-heartedness’ and it illuminates the last teachings of Jesus revealed in the gnostic texts of Mary Magdalen and Thomas. The essence of the word chastity in these teachings describes a purity of intention upon this path (whether you are sexually active or celibate). These deeper teachings at the heart of Christianity have for the most part been made invisible though there have always been those carrying the lamp, such as Teresa of Avila and St Francis to name two of my favourites. Within this teaching is also that of the ‘Anthropos’ – man made woman and woman made man – the androgynous being whose time of coming to full fruition is the Age of Aquarius.

In January 2017 I noticed that Hygeia, Astraea and Juno were crossing the Galactic Centre together and I had a vivid and powerful vision that they were the bringers of the new wave of Holy Grail energies. Hygeia carried the Grail Cup – her mysteries are connected to our deepening understanding of the importance of Circadian Rhythms, the awakening New Earth light grid and inducing alpha and theta brainwaves through meditation, movement and sound healing practices.

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The Golden Gift

Zen-Haven April 14 2013 (thanks, Soren)

After many years of attending the Self Love Fight Club, making bold efforts to ‘try’ and love my self, you know: self-help seminars, parroting positive affirmations and such, but still generally hating myself.

I surrendered my struggle and gently asked the cosmos for a heads up – “What does self-love actually feel like?…I’m clearly a bit slow on the uptake here, so a bit of assistance would be appreciated, thank you…”

Laying in peace later that day, it wasn’t long before I came to myself in my mind’s eye, in mirror form, suddenly holding a gift. As I reached out to accept the gift from myself, I felt the soft embrace of the Celestial cover me with a blanket of warm love, and this feeling settled happily into my Being, for which I was very grateful.

My heart opened and silence whispered “This is it- the golden gift”. Enjoying this sacred moment, naturally I wanted it to last forever, and being Eternal Grace it really felt like it would…But, as this is the Holy Grail and conquering the Inner Dragon and all, of course it wouldn’t be that easy…my little Ego kicked off with its need to analyse, interpret and quantify this download.

And of course life got in the way – drama and daily demands, alongside a timely visit from a Jehovah’s witness. There again, someone coming to my door to remind me of Jesus’ unconditional love was a very sweet touch, given what I had just been blessed with…

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