These Lovely Button Pushing Energies

holyGillian MacBeth Louthan – We all come to the apex of our being in-between the light and the dark of the moon, the sun, the self. We run from our own shadow as it comes up every morning to teach us how to connect with our personal dark matter universe. Like a personal pan pizza the shadow fits all sizes. It taunts us seeding our thoughts with little deceiver nouns and pronouns, First names, past actions, deceits that went unexplained, plausible deniability all comes knocking at our subconscious filling our psychic in-box.

Everything comes to the surface as we shadow dance and box with our own light. Questioning everyone’s motives and actions, As we slide away from our own dingy personal laundry. in the USA political years seem to bring out that Wiley Coyote Energy, trickster. Like a magic trick exposed too many broken promises produce a planetary acid reflux, a bad taste in the mouth and soul.

The eclipses of September push all of our buttons no matter where the energy lands in your chart or in your yard. It will be one attention-getting event. However with that in mind know that holograms abound and at the push of a button. A second coming, a Marion apparition, a Buddha or Krishna in the skies or our space brothers? How do we know what is real and what is Memorex? Do we trust our Visions or are we being emotionally manipulated by outside intentions?

These very deep questions come up for our soul to assimilate, and like a cow with seven stomachs, boy will we digesting many new truths, until we get it right or the cows come home. Continue reading