Todd Walker ~ Spend Any Amount Of Time In The Outdoors Or In Your Yard, It’s Very Likely You’ll Come In Contact With This Plant

Intellihub  May 8 2014

It has successfully reduced men, women, and children to miserable, scratching beasts.

PoisonIvy_flowerTime in nature has a calming, rejuvenating effect on people… until they feel Nature’s revenge.

Over the years I’ve sought out home remedies to stop the painful, blistering rash caused by poison ivy. In my experience, some work, some don’t. In extreme cases, I’ve gotten steroid shots. Like the time I transferred the oil to my nether region while relieving myself in the woods – the week before getting married! An injection of steroids was my top priority. LOL!

It’s ironic that this poisonous vine is in the family of my favorite nut, the cashew. I eat a hand full daily with no reaction. What makes the ivy, oak, or sumac poisonous to humans is the dreaded oil… urushiol (you-ROO-shee-ol). All parts of the plant contain the oil which can stay active for up to five years. Once the oil makes contact with your skin – via touching the plant directly or indirect contact from clothing, shoes, or your pet – the clock starts ticking for a red, itchy, bubbly rash to occur within 12 to 72 hours.

Some people swear they are immune to this stuff. I’ve personally witness a buddy of mine hug a pine tree covered in poison ivy with no ill effects. The theory of some people being immune is suspect in my mind.

Warning: If you are one of those fortunate individuals who have rolled in this stuff and never experienced a reaction, you may be a candidate for hospitalization in the future. Stories exist of people who thought they were immune but found out the hard way they were not. The more times you come in contact with the oil, the more likely your are to come down with a rash.

Attempting to build immunity to poison ivy is not a new idea. Tales of Native Americans eating leaves in early spring to build resistance , true or not, is not something I’ve tried or recommend.

Stuff to Avoid

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For A Beautiful Smile: 7 Natural Teeth Whitening Home Remedies

Natural Society April 11 2013

No one wants a yellow smile, but if you’ve paid attention over the last several years, smiles have gotten whiter and whiter. It’s not completely unusual these days to see a celebrity, newscaster, or other person overly-concerned with their appearance, to have teeth so white it’s completely distracting. Do you want a smile that “lights up the room”? No matter how white you want your teeth, there are plenty of natural teeth whitening home remedies for a beautiful smile. What’s more, teeth whitening at home is super easy.

Teeth discoloration is part of the aging process. But just like wrinkles, many people fight it. While you can expect your teeth to change a little over the years, there are things you can do to avoid stains and embarrassing discoloration—and fortunately, these natural teeth whitening home remedies solutions don’t require hundred dollar bleaching trays, dentist visits, or unknown chemical solutions.

7 Natural Teeth Whitening Home Remedies – Teeth Whitening at Home Made Easy

1. Eat Strawberries

There is evidence that strawberries can help whiten teeth due to containing an enzyme called malic acid and vitamin C. The astringent found in strawberries helps to remove surface stains, while vitamin C washes away plaque. Mashing a few strawberries and brushing with the mixture once or twice a week can have positive results. You could also just eat strawberries, making sure to chew really well and allowing them to do the brushing on their own.

2. Floss Your Teeth

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Home Remedies – 8 Ways To Treat Cough Naturally

Natural Society February 15 2013

CoughHaving a cough is something every single person goes through, sometimes on a daily basis. In fact, cough is the most common complaint in the U.S.  The issue is not serious and occurs most due to something irritating the breathing passage. However, if you are constantly bugged by aching and itchy throat combined with persistent coughing, ignoring your cough can be quite difficult. What should you do then? There is no need to resort to pharmacy or doctor visits while many home remedies for cough can easily exist within your own home.

8 Home Remedies for Cough – Natural Solutions

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