True Wealth Sovereignty In A New World Rising

The Golden Heart Dialogues July 4 2013

thepathwayofdivineloveWhy would an evolved being do something to debase oneself for money, or false empowerment and raw power? Our current situation lends itself to a time of chaotic upheaval to the core. When those who are ready to have equality in wealth awaken totality, the world will then be a place of natural intent and basic principles based on love as the governance. This posting is part two in my series on true wealth.

The errant fabrication of malice with regard to wealth is rampant. Money is, and has always been used to create a vast group of undermined and out-classed people. It was originally designed to separate and to create a natural divide. “We have money and you don’t,” is the concept here.

In a sense the creation of the fiat money was a ploy to destroy the natural sovereign persons’ ability to live a simple abundant life of true wealth.

As this intent was from the start malevolent, it did require a mass agreement that was previously determined to override one’s capacity to naturally thrive. As the Over-Worldly Group obstructed the basic tenets of primordial intent, there was a desperate ploy to divide, regroup and subdivide those who had and from those who did not.

By setting this into place one was out-classed and set apart from those who were deemed important. As those who were deemed important connived further to usurp and control, there was little resistance due to aggression with force. Those who did not have were very happy with the notion that they had all that was required. They knew how to cohabitate with nature and with the laws of nature. Living harmoniously in alignment is the initial tendency and to use only what you need, then replicate, restore, resource  and replenish, and most importantly one knew to never, never, exploit or misuse the resources. Think of The Ringing Cedars book series here.

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Goddess Centered Gardening

Cathy Aarset | Fairy Goddess Gardening | January 30 2012

If you’re in or near West San Gabriel Valley, California, and love Mother Earth contact Cathy for inspired advice! ~ Gillian

Goddess Centered Gardening is centered in the heart. It is time to stop, become still and listen.

Listening To The Land

You who are the caretaker of your land, can best listen to the spiritual matrix that is centered in the land that surrounds your house.

What It Is

Goddess Centered Gardening is loving your land. It is loving the plants that have been there for ever! It is sitting with your Garden and asking what can bring more light and energy flow. It is learning about your soil and planting what best will live in harmony with the spiritual matrix and you. It is sitting, listening, waiting with joy and anticipation at what amazing possibilities that can come into your life if you would just ask. The land will tell you and Source will meet you, then all three will dream and imagine, create and activate that which will facilitate joy, light, healing and harmony for all who enter your garden and all who live within It’s borders.

Goddess Centered Gardening Is A New Way

I know that this is wholly new. Gardens are alive with energy flowing through them, just as you and I are. This way will not be everyone’s way. We are, though, awakening to our world on a deeper level. I would like to help you connect to your land so that; you can create an environment that suits just you and those who live with you, so that light, healing and energy flow effortlessly.

You and the Garden will lead the way and I would like to help you connect with the spiritual life of your garden so you can listen and create a design that is harmonious and healing. Connection with Earth, Spirit and Source is what Goddess Centered Gardening and Fairy Goddess Gardening is all about.