Homeoprophylaxis: A Safe and Effective Alternative to Conventional Vaccines

HomeoprophylaxisJanet Levatin, MD, HMC – Now more than ever, we need safe, cost-effective, easy-to-use holistic tools to help us stay healthy. Homeopathy and homeoprophylaxis are just such tools.

Homeopathy is a wonderful system of healing that has been used since the late 1700s for treating numerous types of acute and chronic illnesses and health disturbances. I have been using it with great success in my medical practice and with my family for over 30 years.  It has multiple benefits and often has advantages over conventional medicine. Continue reading

Water Memory: Homeopathy Proof? [Video]

Alexandra Bruce – Many people reading this may have heard of Masaru Emoto’s wildly popular photography books on frozen water crystals. The premise of his work is that the shapes of the crystals reflect the vibrations water’s environment and the consciousness surrounding it. Emoto was informed by the principles of homeopathy, whether he knew it or not.

In homeopathic medicine, successive dilutions of antigens shaken in water produce harmonics and sub-harmonics of the chemicals’ molecular patterns. These dilutions are then used to make remedies that stimulate the immune response of patients, without actually exposing them to toxins of any kind, whether they be antigens or pharmaceuticals.

Despite the fact that its effects have been exhaustively proven in countless laboratory studies, homeopathy remains one of the great bugaboos of so-called skeptics worldwide.

In her book, The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe, Lynne McTaggart tells the cautionary tale of allergy specialist, Dr. Jacques Benveniste, head of the French National Institute for Health and Medical Research (INSERM) and whose lab technician accidentally stumbled onto the basic principle of homeopathy in 1984. Continue reading

Homeopathy officially recognized by Swiss government as legitimate medicine

In May 2017, health insurance plans in Switzerland will be covering a variety of healing modalities, including homeopathy, acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, herbal medicine and holistic medicine. In this way, Switzerland will be bringing back the many healing arts that were used successfully in the past.

A shift away from the disease management, synthetic drug system

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7 Ways To Drain BPA From The Body

Activist Post  December 5 2013

How to eliminate endocrine-disruptors from your system

blackteaWhy should someone care about endocrine-disruptors? The effort to walk away from damaging chemicals becomes easier when one sees what happens when disrupted hormones lead to major life-altering consequences.

The endocrine system is a huge deal – when in balance, everything is wonderful. When slightly out of whack, life is Hades. We didn’t need a thousand individual studies to list off all the symptoms Bisphenol-A can cause; like ADHD-type symptoms, obesity, devastating sex/reproductive changes, brain impairment and so much more. It passes the blood brain barrier, accumulates and is way more dangerous at lower levels than previously thought. When the endocrine glands get messed with, it’s dethroning the regulator of all those hormonal functions.

No one specifically asked for hormone-scramblers on the consumer market, like decades of heavy pesticide dousing, plastics, cleaning chemicals, fragrance, cosmetics, dental sealants, body care, processed food and its packaging. For many reasons, it’s here…

We don’t have to despair. Where regulatory agencies and Big Chem fail, we have the power of knowledge and choice. Complete avoidance would be great. But in order not to worry about exposure so much – it’s cleanup time! It’s so easy – you might already be doing it.

1. Get thee some probiotics – pronto. Not talking celebrity endorsed yogurt here. Fermented foods like kimchi, natural sauerkraut and kefir. A refrigerated, concentrated probiotic supplement helps. Drink kombucha. Bifidobacterium breve and Lactobacillus casei were found to extract BPA from the blood of mammals and were excreted out through the bowels. That is very good news!

Beneficial bacteria strengthen the gut and break down chemicals like BPA so they can be cleared out. As a bonus, they break down pesticides, another major endocrine-disruptor. Probiotics are becoming well known for breaking down endocrine-disruptors in the body. Continue reading