Home Remedies – 8 Ways To Treat Cough Naturally

Natural Society February 15 2013

CoughHaving a cough is something every single person goes through, sometimes on a daily basis. In fact, cough is the most common complaint in the U.S.  The issue is not serious and occurs most due to something irritating the breathing passage. However, if you are constantly bugged by aching and itchy throat combined with persistent coughing, ignoring your cough can be quite difficult. What should you do then? There is no need to resort to pharmacy or doctor visits while many home remedies for cough can easily exist within your own home.

8 Home Remedies for Cough – Natural Solutions

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5 Ways To Strengthen Your Immune System

Natural Society January 31 2013

It’s flu season, and even if you don’t fall ill like Piers Morgan after publicly receiving a flu shot from Dr. Oz, you still run the risk of getting sick. Particularly in the colder months, when we are sitting inside more often, our houses are closed up, and we stay in close quarters—it’s the perfect time for illness to thrive. But, when you take precautions to keep your immune system running on high, you can skip the tissues and even natural cold remedies, and coast through winter without a second thought. Here are 5 ways to supercharge and strengthen your immune system.

1. Strengthen Your Immune System – Eliminate Sugar

There are many ways to boost your immune system, but eliminating sugar is one of the first steps. Sugar puts a serious damper on your immune system, in addition to increasing your risk of disease. When the recommended daily sugar intake is 25 grams and a single bottle of Coke contains as much as 60 grams, we know the modern diet is way too immersed in the sweet stuff.

If you want to seriously boost your health and reduce your risk of numerous health issues like obesity and diabetes, seriously consider reducing sugar intake. Opt for a bit of honey or a natural sweetener like Stevia instead.

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