You are a Conscious Manifesting Machine

Jafree Ozwald | January 10 2013

“If you can realize who you are, it means you know where you are coming from and where you are going.” ~St. Theresa of Avila

consciousnessIn every moment of your life you are creating something. Whether you are manifesting what you want or what you don’t want, all depends on how conscious you are in this very moment. This consciousness inside you now is ultimately determined by how relaxed you are and what you choose to fill your mind with. What types of thoughts do you invite into your mind typically on a normal day of life? When you choose to summon thoughts that bring you into a deeper state of peace, love, trust and a feeling of “oneness” with life around you, you’ll instantly sense your consciousness expanding. The best part is that when consciousness expands, you realize what a powerful manifestor you truly are and start playing in the world like you are one.

What many people won’t tell you is that your experience of this moment of your life is the most important thing for you to put your attention upon. Tomorrow or yesterday are never as important as today. This very moment may not seem like much, yet its an accumulation of the sum total of all the thoughts, feelings and experiences you’ve had throughout your life and lifetimes. It’s all happening now. All the words that your mother, father, siblings, friends, teachers, co-workers, bosses, and everyone you’ve met have said to you throughout your life, are occurring inside your deeper subconscious mind like data stored on a computer chip. What you do with this information determines the level of energy you are vibrating at now, and the positive and negative experiences you will manifest into your future.

“By using your heart as your compass, you can see more clearly which direction to go to stop self-defeating behavior.” ~Doc Childre and Howard Martin

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