How To Build Your Best Physical Body

Inspire Me Today | March 28 2012

You are directly affected by what you eat. If you are eating poorly, it shows up on your body. If you are eating well, the body of your dreams shows up. ~ Rosie Battista

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I’d want to pass along to others…It takes extreme self care and love to build your best physical body. Your physical body is what houses your amazing soul. So you’ll need a strong vibrant building for your very precious life.

Here are three principles for getting your body, your head and your heart in this game of body “building”, a Personal Promise, and 10 Ways to Achieve Rockstar Status.


1. Lose the Fake Stuff and Get Real – Get your body in the game.
You only get one body and it’s an awesome one. Not only is it your right, but it is your obligation to take care of your body. The food you eat directly affects your mood, attitude, and health. It’s important to participate fully in the process of nourishing yourself well. When you feed your body with processed, chemicalized, fake food, it will show up on your body as unwanted weight. If you nourish yourself with pure and naked food, the body of your dreams will show up.

2. Become Less interested in Why You Can’t – Get your head in the game.
You can do, be or have anything you want. If there is something that you want, go and get it. Don’t put your focus on the excuses of why you can’t; instead trust and believe that you can and take the steps necessary, one at a time. Make every meal an opportunity to improve your health. Make every workout an opportunity to feel better. Make every moment an opportunity to be present.

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