Remarkable, Amazing Power of Listening

listeningMary O’Malley – I invite you to take a few moments to close your eyes and simply listen to your life. There are myriad sounds happening all around you and within you. If your mind is a little unsettled with this, count how many different sounds you hear. Stay with this for as long as you can… listening…your attention going back to the stories…and then bringing it back to listening again.

As you lift your attention out of your stories about Life and truly listen, you are making direct contact with your life. Even though this is deeply healing, it may be difficult for your mind to actually be present for the sounds because, if you are like most people, you are not used to doing this. Instead, you are used to thinking about Life rather than actually being here for it. But just a few minutes a day when you use sounds to bring you back to the living experience of Life can be very healing and it can show you that there are all your stories about Life, and then there is Life! Continue reading

Reclaiming Your Natural State

learnThe Angels – You’ve heard it so many times, “Be as a child to enter the kingdom of heaven.” Children, before they learn otherwise, trust themselves. They speak their mind innocently. They move towards what feels good and move away from what does not. They love to share their gifts with others, and yet they honor themselves. In a natural state of being, you would too.

Many of you, however, have been trained out of your natural state of being. You were taught to be wary of life or to be too trusting, rather than trusting your own feelings and instincts. You were taught to censor what you say and over analyze what you think. You learned to interpret people’s words rather than intuitively feel their truth or falsehood. Many of you have been talked out of pursuing your passions and talked into being “responsible,” instead of responding to self. Continue reading