And The Slow Parade Of Fears

warDavid Swanson – It is an honor to be asked to speak to a group of people doing as much strategic and principled good as you, not to mention the good that those of you who are doctors do as doctors and health advocates in your day jobs. The closest I ever came to a respectable profession was when I studied architecture prior to dropping out. I later got a master’s degree in philosophy which, combined with a couple of dollars, will get you a bus ride. Anyway, architecture students always read this novel by Ayn Rand called The Fountainhead because the protagonist is an architect. But architecture doesn’t really come into it, as the book focuses more on the fact that the guy is also something of a sociopath. But around the time I read that book I also read The Plague by Albert Camus in which the protagonist dedicated himself to cheerfully making the world a better place against overwhelming odds, without any real concern for the likelihood of success, and without any particular mythologizing of the good supposedly accomplished by being a superior bastard. Camus’ protagonist has stuck with me, though I haven’t reread the book. He’s always somewhere in the back of my head. And of course he was a doctor.


I’ve rather given up on every other profession in our society. NYU has hired Harold Koh, legal architect of the drone wars and legal defender of the 2011 war on Libya and of presidential war powers, to teach human rights law. After students circulated a petition protesting, liberal law professors this week created a counter petition defending Koh’s record. Our hope right now does not seem to lie with lawyers. I know there are exceptions, thank goodness. Continue reading

Activist Margaretta D’Arcy ~ “The People Are Rising And There’s No Stopping Us!” [Audio]

80 year old Human Rights activist says “The people are rising and there’s no stopping us!”


Margaretta Ruth D’Arcy (born 1934), an Irish actress, writer, playwright, and peace-activist. Margaretta is a member of Aosdána since its inauguration and is known for addressing Irish nationalism, civil liberties, and women’s rights in her work. In 2014, she was imprisoned after she refused to sign a bond saying that she wouldn’t trespass on non-public parts of Shannon Airport. Her arrest was a consequence of trespassing on airport property during protests over United States military stopovers at Shannon Airport. Continue reading

PsyOp Memes: Ancient Aliens, Egyptian Moses [Audio]

Tim Murdock is the host of White Rabbit Radio and the voice of Horus the Avenger. He has also produced some popular animations.


Tim has been a guest on Radio 3Fourteen and now joins us at Red Ice Radio to discuss some of the most popular themes and memes currently circulating and gaining momentum in the mainstream.

Tim begins by laying out the War of Deception that has been waged by the elites and explains how memes are used to shape the perceptions of the masses. He talks about the speed and frequency these ideas are being introduced into society and speculates on the possibilities of the larger scenario involving the New World Order. Continue reading

Joachim Hagopian ~ The US Is the World’s Worst Human Rights Violator

GlobalResearch  April 17 2014

The US government has always been the first to call out other nations with poor track records on human rights abuses. Invariably they are the two nations viewed most threatening to America’s global hegemony and power – rivals Russia and China. Other loudly criticized countries are those less powerful Third World nations that most defy US dominance. Any nation on earth is at risk of America’s wrath that fights to protect its own self-interest over and above the American Empire’s in a noble effort to minimize economic exploitation in the plundering of precious natural resources and subjugating and locking its native population into permanent Third World serfdom. But any country going against the world’s most powerful nation is automatically deemed an enemy of the Empire and subject to such labels as axis-of-evil and a serious affront to human rights. No surprise that countries like Venezuela, Cuba, Iran, Syria and North Korea are all targeted in the crosshairs of the next war or next regime change living under decades of heavy-handed economic sanctions designed to break the will of these independent smaller nations bold enough to resist US aggression, superpower control and full frontal dominance.

On the other hand, when a country’s government encourages and willingly allows a strong US presence with active duty military installations numbering over 1000 globally accompanied by an army of private contractors and transnational corporations, corrupt dictators with the worst human rights records in the entire world are merely given a free pass, immune from any US criticism. As long as you succumb and are minimally complicit in the raping and pillaging of your own nation and people by the global bully, be assured America will have your back and always turn a blind eye to your heinous crimes against humanity and human rights violations of the most vile kind – that is until the US ultimately uses you up and turns on you (like it predictably does with all its past tyrannical friends Mubareck, Hussein and Gaddafi just to name a few).

The ethics card is arbitrarily used only out of self-serving, psychopathic convenience. Like the psychopathic corporations that exploit people around the world into cheap labor bondage, likewise the psychopathic US government’s only interest (aside from its own) is the corporate interests it is most beholding to and sworn to protect. Instead of our government operating “of the people, by the people and for the people,” since 9/11 no longer sworn to uphold the Constitution, the US government is now sworn to operate in the sole interest “of the corporation, by the corporation and for the corporation” – since higher courts have given corporations all the rights that used to belong to the people. Lincoln must be turning over in his grave now to see what his United States have become.

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Freedom, Truth And Raging Against The Machine

DanaMrkich  April 4 2014

Dana MrkichPassionate comments have come through on my last post about Earth shifts, from people who have had enough of the shenanigans occurring on this planet. I liked the comments, and thought I’d share my response here:

Humanity has been stopped from fully experiencing freedom in all its millions of forms. And you are right – When you know and feel and sense what our reality could be (and eventually WILL be) and already is on other planets and planes of existence, the reality here is hellish! For me, it is like a light at the end of the tunnel when I see that more and more people every day have had enough. I know that millions of people today are convinced of things that years ago was considered conspiracy theory. I remember being told 20 years ago I should write science fiction when I told someone what my absolute inner knowing was around government deals with alien technology. Maybe I should have written that science fiction book and reached more ears ha!

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