Balancing the Scales

time as we know it changesAlec Christos Gabbitas – Time as we know it is of course imploding on itself and recognition of time is also becoming quite an illusionary and illusive pastime. Measuring today’s actual ‘real time’ would account for only or approximately13 or so hours, than the old 24 hour day, where one would have enjoyed more space and far less effort to complete the days tasks and reposing at leisure with quite some real quality time to play!

Everything is obviously speeding up and everything also is lightening up as the continuing energy inputs are gradually endowing all upon the beloved planet with an ever rising vibration or quality of expression. Continue reading

Plant Medicines, The Doors of Perception

Plant Medicines, The Doors of Perception

James Tyberonn – Greetings Masters! …Rejoice for it is a time of great awakening on the Earth plane. The Earth and all of her kingdoms are transitioning to great and greater consciousness. Life is enriching.

We would say to you that there is even greater life that circles about and above your planet now wishing to enter into your mass field of awareness. It is light of a sublime nature. It does not hold logic, it does not hold vision, it is not the light of promise but it is the light of wellness and we will say to you that if you will allow this light to enter your sphere of influence, your field of awareness, you would find yourself lighter in spirit almost immediately and this is only achieved by intent. Continue reading

The Timeless Enigma of the Crystal Skulls

James Tyberonn “Max is the by far the most powerful Conscious Library on the planet. The original code carrier, and so important to the planetary Ascension. MAX is a living computer so vast, that the energy therein encompasses the micro of the Cosmic macro. MAX contains the complete new coding for the new Earth, the DNA of the Ascension. Within MAX is an intellect so complex and infinite, that it is unimaginable. Yet Max is also a healing, nurturing energy that communicates clearly in up-shifting each person that interfaces his massive loving field.

Once you have encountered MAX, touched his physicality, you are capable of receiving a crysto-electric wave stimuli that activates ‘dormant’ parts of the human brain, bridging to the multi dimensional mind. Once your energy is connected directly to his source, you have the ability to connect & communicate proactively on a mental level, and indeed MAX is an aspectual personality that is a microcosm of ‘ALL THAT IS’. Continue reading

The Path and Art of Being

EarthJennifer Hoffman – If someone asks us who we are we often respond with a description of what we do-we’re an artist, writer, musician, teacher, parent, counselor, etc.

It’s very hard, if not impossible, to describe ourselves without including something about what we do in the world because this is how people can connect to and understand us. It’s also how we connect with and understand ourselves because we know ourselves as humans by what we do. Continue reading

The Shift To A Heart-Centered Culture


Since the 1960s, a massive shift in consciousness has brought sweeping changes to society. Wouldn’t we all like to know where this heading? And, what will tomorrow’s world look like?

The answer emerged as long ago as the 1960s, when a pioneering social scientist called Clare Graves was studying the phases of conscious evolution that society has gone through over the ages.

His studies led him to declare that humankind is preparing for what he called a momentous leap – a mega-change within society which would dwarf all previous changes, because it would open up a whole new tier of evolutionary changes. Continue reading