The Divine Dialogue

Stillness precedes order

lifeMeredith Murphy – Ideally, as you revise your lifestyle to liberate greater well-being and also open to your inner guidance, you spend more time in stillness, discovering the way in which this creates coherence and synchronicity to your path and activity.

The ease you experience as a result of this time spent in stillness is significant.  It is as if you do less and more happens.  It is because you are taking the time to be in stillness and synchronize, attune your energy to the energy of all that is.  In this harmonious vibration, you are all-knowing. Continue reading

Giving to Get Versus Giving to Give

“Love is the only thing you get more of by giving it away” ~ T. Wilson

godJafree Ozwald – There are two types of people in this world. Those who are ego driven and those who live beyond their ego. The ego-based person is stuck in a fear based survival thinking pattern created from societal conditioning and previous emotional wounding. This causes them to believe they are separate from the God Source.

The second type of person is a soul based individual who knows they are an infinite being who is deeply loved, cherished, and divinely connected to the most sacred intelligent Source of Life in the Universe.

The biggest distinction between these two groups is the relationship each has with their own mind. The ego-based person has not taken the time to stop their mind-chatter long enough to look inside, relax deeply, trust completely and bathe in the divine essence within. Continue reading

The Hidden Power Of Relaxation


Jafree Ozwald – Along your journey through life, you’ve probably experienced personal success and accomplishment from intense amounts of efforting. Most of us contain this deeply conditioned belief system inside that says, “In order to reach my goals in life, it will require a lot of hard work and persistence”.

This belief that we achieve our desires only through intense effort is an oldie and a goodie which contains a solid work ethic. Yet, when it comes to mastering your life I find that working hard is completely over-rated, and is mostly filled with dogmatic beliefs derived from some archaic limited minded consciousness. Continue reading

The Journey Begins Where You Are

The journey begins where you are, not where you want to be! So be here now and embrace the present moment, and all it offers. ~ Charlene Proctor

The outer world is made from manifested thoughts and ideas held in your mind. These ideas are the foundation of consciousness, and the nature of these ideas gives consciousness its character.

Everything we create has a belief behind it, an idea once held in someone’s consciousness. Because consciousness is shared, it includes the thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and sensitivities held by all people. Therefore, every condition, circumstance, or situation in the material world is the embodiment of humanity’s mental equivalent, whether it is war or peace. Continue reading

We Have No Idea How Good We Can Get

humanPaul Rosenberg – I can still remember the first time someone told me that they believed in the Calvinist doctrine of “the depravity of man.” It shocked me. To complain about human behavior I very well understood; there’s plenty of bad behavior in the world. But to flatly call the human species depraved… hopelessly unredeemable… that was, and remains, obscene to me.

The sad truth, however, is that the modern West swims in a sea of Calvinism. The corporate bullhorns feed everyone they can a steady diet of the bad, ugly, and if possible the bloody. Under their influence, we would believe that all is darkness, that truth is illusion, that the human path is ever-downward, and that all professions of goodness are scams. Continue reading