The Biden family is a criminal enterprise as defined in the RICO Act

Biden criminal enterpriseRon Wright – Although the 1970 Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) was initially targeted at gangsters, it equally applies to corrupt government practices involving low-level crooks led by the top players, linked together with a common purpose.  No organized crime or criminal enterprise, in  or out of government,  can exist for long without corrupt law enforcement.

Because of its corrosive impact on government, organized crime must be destroyed by prosecuting influence-peddling related crimes and those who aid or abet by concealing these crimes under the RICO Act. The founding principle of our criminal justice system is equal justice for all and no one is above the law. Continue reading

Joe Biden and the Disappearing Elephant

bidenJonathan Turley – This week marked the anniversary of one of the greatest political tricks in history: the disappearance of Hunter Biden scandal. New emails were released that added new details to what was a raw influence peddling operation that netted millions from foreign sources.

A new tranche of emails connecting President Joe Biden to key accounts prove just how this political sleight of hand was worthy of Houdini. After all, Houdini only made an elephant disappear. The Bidens made the equivalent to an entire circus disappear in front of an audience of millions. Continue reading

Why Your Otherwise Smart Friends Think Stupid Things

BidenClarice Feldman – So many of our friends and family live harried lives, working, keeping households, caring for family members that they have no time to question the news accounts they hear on their car radios while chauffeuring the kids to school, shopping, for essentials, and commuting. And if they get newspapers delivered or watch the news, they get only enough for a header and a couple of graphs or a quick byte before other more pressing things require their attention. Those of us with more time and interest in the news get an entirely different picture and that makes our discussions with them so fraught. We live in two different realities. Continue reading

Hunter Biden Was Selling Access And Influence

selling influenceMike LaChance – Every time you turn around, you hear a new story about Hunter Biden grifting some other country for cash based on his father’s name.

You’d never know it from the liberal media, but Hunter Biden seems to have been selling access to his father and other power-players in Washington.

The Daily Mail provides this report:

EXCLUSIVE: Joe Biden entertained Hunter’s Mexican billionaire business associates in the vice president’s office in 2014 and even flew with his son to Mexico City on Air Force 2 so Hunter could attend meetings over a ‘flippin gigantic’ deal. Continue reading

The Top Ten Pending Eruptions

political eruptionsDeanna Chadwell – It’s shaping up to be a long, hot summer, one filled — like Yellowstone Park — with geysers and hot springs ready to blow at any moment. But these are political eruptions, not nature’s fury.  If I didn’t know that God has things under control I’d be terrified, but in the interest of keeping track of the truth let’s list the top 10 political eruptions we can expect to blow sometime soon.

10.  Hunter BidenHe’s at the end of the list because what happens with him is not likely to directly impact any of us, but he’s such a shocking collection of immoralities and corruptions that we all know deep in our bones that such nastiness cannot be condoned in a reasonable, prosperous, free society. Hardly a week goes by without some new scandal surfacing, and each seems worse than the last. Continue reading