Natural Ibuprofen Alternatives Backed by Clinical Research


Sayer Ji – With the public’s growing awareness of the deadly side effects associated with the regular use of synthetic painkillers like ibuprofen, the need for natural, evidence-based alternatives has never been greater.

People generally think that over-the-counter drugs are safer than physician-prescribed ones. Unfortunately that does not hold true for drugs like ibuprofen, consumed at a rate of billions of doses, annually, and responsible for thousands of cardiovascular disease-related deaths each year. Continue reading

6 Effective & Natural Alternatives To Ibuprofen

“Next time you are feeling pain, remember to take a moment and relax. Get in touch with your body and feel out what is going on. The more we get in touch with our body’s own consciousness the more we learn about it and what may be causing us these ailments.” ~Joe Martino

CapsaicinThere are a number of reasons to avoid taking aspirin or ibuprofen often. You may be seeking alternatives because you experience pain but like to stay away from conventional medicines. Alternatively, you could be someone who just learned about the potential dangers that come with taking aspirin and ibuprofen regularly and are ready for something different. Ibuprofen and Aspirin have been linked to anemia, DNA damage, heart disease, hearing loss, hypertension, miscarriage and even influenza mortality (these are just 7 of the over 24 adverse health effects its been connected with.)

“Long-term high-dose use of painkillers such as ibuprofen or diclofenac is ‘equally hazardous’ in terms of heart attack risk as use of the drug Vioxx, which was withdrawn due to its potential dangers.” – Reuters[1]

Although there are a number of adverse health effects that go along with Ibuprofen, we continue to take it in vast amounts because we are often a society built off of quick fixes and short-term results. According to some previously recorded statistics, in 1998 alone over 500,000 pounds of acetyl-salicylic acid (the main component used in aspirin) was produced in the United States alone. That number is likely even greater now. Usage of such medicines can be linked back to cultural conditioning where we forget to value eating well, taking care of our mental and emotional states as well as our physical body. When this is out of balance so often, feeling pain in areas of the body can be a very common thing.

The Natural Approach

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