Geoengineers: Antarctica Needs More Snow

climate changeJoseph P Farrell – Yes, you read that headline correctly. Antarctica needs more snow, according to the following article spotted and shared by “D”, and by golly, the geoengineers want to provide it, all 7,400 gigatons of it:

Scientists propose dumping 7,400 gigatons of ‘artificial snow’ on Antarctica

Now, if you read this thing, you’re probably scratching your head like I am, and wondering if it could possibly become any loopier than it already is. The coming-ice-age-global-warming-climate-change folks have been out in force in the last few decades, warning about rising sea levels and the threat they pose to places like Miami and New York City, unaccustomed as they are to negotiating life in cities built in water, unlike Venice, or for that matter, Amsterdam. But if you’re like me, you’re thinking there’s something wrong with the following: Continue reading