Most Americans Don’t Think Biden Is Performing Duties Of President

Niamh Harris – 57% of Americans believe Joe Biden isn’t fully executing the duties of president according to a Trafalgar Group poll

It is not only a right wing view either as a third of Democrats also think someone else is running the country.

During his campaign trail and since taking office as president, Biden has frequently lost his train of thought and made several gaffes, leading many raising questions about his mental acuity.
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Observing Fraud and the Driving Force Behind It

corruptJames Gilliland – Is anyone else seeing something definitely wrong with this picture. This may very well be all theatrics. Biden was never sent a plane or helicopter no Air Force 1, 2, 3 zip, he had to come in and go out on a private jet. He was never given the football, the special case with the nuclear codes thank God.

The pentagon will not cooperate with him, no intelligence briefings etc., which obviously would go straight to China. The CCP brags how they control the highest levels in the American government putting multimillions of dollars in Biden’s and other politicians pockets. This is not to mention the Chinese spies, honey traps used to compromise people in power.

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