The Paradox Of The Illuminati

IlluminatiEyeHere we are ready to welcome in 2015 and the amount of fear being spread in our world seems to be at an all-time high! Humanity is quickly evolving and many people are waking up, we are in the midst of a most exciting time in our evolution!

One topic that I see and read very often is of the Illuminati, or the social Elite or the ruling class, whatever you wish to “label” them. I continue to read how evil these people are and there lies a very important paradox in understanding the Illuminati. We are coming into a period of existence where humanity is starting to really understand itself and how reality truly works as Quantum physics becomes ever increasingly popular and understood.

Now the principles and concepts are nothing new, just a larger scale of the population are starting to truly comprehend what it all means. Thousands of years ago highly conscious beings told us, we are creators of our reality, we are the way, we are all enlightened beings, the universe is within us, the list goes on what these enlightened masters were trying to say to us yet some just chose not to understand this and thus experience life in a way to help them wake up. Continue reading

Rise Of The Gnostics

“It is time to reject the phony new age movement and the phony green movement both controlled by the globalists, and become fully conscious and environmentalists ourselves. It is time to come to the simple realisation that we are all love at our source.” – P P Parker

EarthHologramThroughout history people who really seek the truth, open their minds, and dive into this reality have been demonised, ostracized and eventually slaughtered. Christians were slaughtered every day after the death of Jesus before Constantine declared Christianity the official religion in 325 AD at the council of Nicea. Were these early Christians really Gnostics? That is a very good question. St Paul’s writings were definitely of Gnostic origin and virtually all the writings of the Gnostics were destroyed, which includes the Library of Alexandria.

The butchering and slaughtering continued through the dark ages and then into the Spanish Inquisition, where the Cathars were wiped out in France. The peoples who lived next to the Cathars said they were the most peaceful and righteous people they had ever met. They were still wiped off the face of the earth for being heretics, which simply means ‘a belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious doctrine.’ In recent times, this type of behaviour is not tolerated in so called civilised societies, so people who are looking for the truth have been growing in numbers slowly. Now, thanks to the internet, they are starting to communicate with each other. The rise of the Gnostics is here and growing daily.

Gnosticism simply means knowing.

Again there are stories to help people understand the situation we are in. To put it simply, Gnosticism is a journey of inner discoveries. You can speak with authority and confidence of your knowledge because it is an experience and not conjecture or hearsay. The inner journey is a fabulous journey but enlightenment comes at a price. Well it did for me anyway. Continue reading

The ISIS Ploy: Illuminati Symbols, Sorcery And Sacrifice

“You’ll find this energy vampirism a recurring theme throughout any esoteric studies on this subject, a theme popularized by the Matrix movies where humans are considered energy “batteries” to be drained and utilized. That’s pretty much what they’re up to.” ~Z Gardner

ZG_IsisIt’s rather ironic that this latest wave of Western armed and financed “Islamic” militants invading Iraq and now conveniently threatening Syria and Iran is named ISIS. Or is it deliberate? It’s being used to stand for this oddly anglicised, fabricated, full-on barbaric “Islamic State in Iraq and Syria” movement presently sweeping Iraq, but anyone acquainted with any degree of occult knowledge or esoteric mythology knows the goddess Isis is one of the most important figures in so-called mystery schools, and a favorite of Freemasonry and the Illuminati; and one for which they have manipulated, murdered and thoroughly deceived humanity for millennia.

While the US is currently (once again) self-appointedly deciding whether to go into all out overt war on the entire region from Lebanon to Iran, based on this “unforeseen phenomenon” of ISIS, this parasitic plan goes on full throttle, ripping the guts out of millions of innocent people’s lives for the Machiavellian desires of a few; all while they hoodwink the masses into a completely backwards interpretation of their devious sorcery.

These “elite” few are fueled by something besides their psychopathy – it’s an occult allegiance to powerful symbolic entities, whether they are all fully conscious of their allegiances to these powers or not. Such is the case of most of manipulated humanity.

Isis and the Illuminati

It’s important to know that almost every portrayal of a feminine goddess, a speciality of Freemasonic art, literature and architecture, hails back to Isis – no matter whether it’s called “The Statue of Liberty”, “Blind Justice”, “Mother Mary”, “Columbia” or some other “Queen of Heaven” or whatever label they want to give her. They’re almost all the same entity. Isis in turn goes back to Sumer and the goddess Semiramis, or Ishtar, an embodiment of this same esoteric deity. Continue reading

Illuminati Defector ‘Mary Ann’ [Audio]

“As the Kennedy assassination and 9-11 prove, the United States (and most countries) have been totally subverted by a Luciferian international criminal elite. The role of politicians, media and education is to keep the sheep deluded and distracted while the elite stealthily advances its goal of world tyranny. Western society today is a massive fraud.” ~H Makow (Illuminati Sex Slaves Paint Horrifying Picture)


Henry Makow’s interview with ex-Illuminati member ‘Mary Anne’ (pseudonym) who was once a ‘political figure of prominence’ working for the Illuminati. Republic Broadcasting Network. Air Date: 09.31.2008.


  • 0:00 Introduction 
  • 0:45 Vernal Equinox 
  • 2:00 Sacrifice Victims, ‘Breeders’, Significance  Continue reading

Illuminati Human Cloning Immortality [Video]

Mind Control and Occult Knowledge – Who are the Illuminati? Are they Satanic? Will they have everlasting life with human cloning?


Source Freeman Fly  June 18 2014