The World Is Not an Illusion

illusionSteve Taylor, Ph.D. – One of the biggest myths about spirituality is that it reveals the world to be an illusion. According to the myth, when we “wake up” or become enlightened, we realise that the physical realm of things is just a dream. The world and all the events that take place in it are seen as a mirage. Only the spirit is real, which exists above and beyond the physical world.

One of the problems with this view is that it leads to a detached and indifferent attitude to worldly events. What does it matter if millions of people are suffering from poverty and starvation? What does warfare or ecological catastrophe matter? Why should we bother trying to fight for social causes or against global problems? It’s all just part of the dream, so none of it is of any consequence. Continue reading

The Scrutiny of Delusions

Astrology Forecast August 23rd – 29th, 2021

truthNikki Harper – In this week of two halves, we are being asked to see what stands up to a reality test and what does not. The answer to this could prove painful for many, as dearly held beliefs are shown to be delusions. The challenge is whether you can pick up the pieces, re-collect your thoughts, and move ahead on a firmer footing, once you understand where truth lies.

Not everyone will – some will retreat further into delusion-land, portraying themselves as victims and crying foul because someone has pointed out that the Emperor has no clothes. Continue reading

Reality Meets Clarity [Video]

illusionJennifer Hoffman – In this week’s video podcast you’ll learn some interesting things about clarity that may cause you to regret that you ever started on the clarity path. Rather than bringing us joyful enlightenment, clarity is often the rude awakening that shows us where our path has gone off track and instead of being on the path to joy we’re lost in the woods of despair. It shakes us out of our illusion, clears out the cobwebs of confusion, and makes the reality of our situation very clear indeed.

It’s the wake up call we need to make changes but that can only happen when clarity reveals the cold, hard truth of whatever is going on in our lives. We cleverly hide the truth behind a veil of illusion, living the life we think we have through false congruence, wishful thinking, and sometimes, closing our eyes to the truth and wishing it would go away. Continue reading

Unworthiness doesn’t exist…

The Angels – Each cell in the human body, dear ones, has meaning, purpose, Unworthiness and value. Without it, you would not be who you are. You cannot discount a cell simply because it is so tiny in comparison to the body, and the Divine cannot discount you because you feel so small by “comparison” to the vast reaches of the cosmos.

Just as each cell matters, each soul matters. Just as each cell is unique, precious, and valuable to the overall well-being of the body, each soul is unique, precious, and valuable to the overall well-being of the One.

You all serve a purpose. You are all adding to the awareness of what Love can collectively become. Just by being your unique, precious self, you matter. How could you ever imagine yourself inadequate or unworthy of love? Continue reading

Fox News? It’s Controlled Opposition To Liberal Network Dominance

fox newsJohn Michael Chambers – Cross the line? You’re gone. Those that have seen me speak or have read my books and blogs perhaps now have a greater affirmation about FOX NEWS. FOX news was created to give us the illusion that we have a voice in the media. An overwhelming majority of the media serves the left wing globalists agenda. After all the government media complex is owned, run and controlled by six major corporations. GE, NewsCorp, Disney, Viacom, Time Warner and CBS. Did you know that according to Breitbart News, that Fox News Corp Is a Major Donor to the Clinton’s?

Ex CIA Kevin Shipp will tell you that there are hundreds of thousands of people in the private corporate sector who have signed the same secrecy with immunity agreements as the intel. organizations such as the CIA, FBI and NSA. Why? So they can carry out the deep states’ deeds, that is why. Cross the line? You end up like Judge Jeanine Pirro, suddenly silenced. You wait and see. Continue reading