The soul’s dream

imagineThe Angels – Imagine that all your problems are simply dreams from which you have to awaken. Imagine that you could wake up tomorrow morning, and before you even open your eyes, you think to yourself, “Oh wow!!! I remember I am an amazing creator! I had a dream that I forgot! How awful. How unpleasant. Thank Goodness, I remember now!”

Then, lying there in your bed you begin to consciously design your day.You think about all you wish to accomplish, and ask your angels for help. You go through a list of people you care about and imagine each one happy and healthy. You imagine your body feeling strong and healthy. And then you imagine yourself, lying here in bed at the end of the day, feeling completely satisfied, loved, and happy about your day.

Now you are ready to put your feet upon the floor and get on with life!

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Ann Albers ~ Messages From The Angels

imagineThe Angels – Last week we talked about letting go of old things and dense energies. Today, we wish to discuss letting go of old habits.

In the heavens, we think you are perfect now, even as you evolve! However, it is the nature of all of life itself to grow, evolve, and continue to deepen its expression of love.

Take a few minutes and think about this question. What kind of person do you want to be? Most of you can answer this, at least to a degree. You know you want to speak more kindly, live in balance, act abundantly, or be more patient. Perhaps some of you want to be more proactive. You may want to be more gracious, or you may want to learn to kindly stand up for yourself. Each one of you, if you take time can imagine the kind of person you would ideally love to be.

Try living as if you are this person, just for a day. Very quickly you will begin to see your old habits rise up. We’d rather call them habits than issues! These are just ways of thinking and being that you have learned, repeated, and become accustomed to. It is only when you begin to pay attention to being someone different that you will notice them. And this is good dear ones! Celebrate! When you see an old habit, you can begin to change it! Continue reading