Why the Left Loves Mass Immigration [Video]

Shorty Dawkins – As I have pointed out before, the “progressives” seek to destroy America (and Western civilization) in order to bring in their Utopian (Dystopian) New World Order. “Progressives” hate everything Western. They hate their own culture, traditions and history. They are mired in a negative, all-pervasive sense of guilt for being born in a culture they despise.

There are many people who are beginning to see what the “progressives” have to offer, and are thoroughly rejecting it. They are proud of their culture, traditions and history, and wish to retain it. Finally, they are beginning to stand up to those who would destroy what their ancestors created. Continue reading

Illegal Immigrants Have Stolen More Than 1 Million Identities

Illegal immigrants American Liberty Report – The left wants to protect illegal immigration into our country. They’ll say it’s the humanitarian thing to do. They’ll point out how most immigrants just want to work, pay taxes and contribute. They’ll say that illegal immigration doesn’t cause any real harm. They’ll even tell you that using the word “illegal” is unjust because a person can’t be illegal.

It’s amazing they can speak at all with their feet so deep in their mouths. Illegal immigrants in the U.S. have stolen at least 1.4 million identities and are actively using them to commit fraud. The situation is complicated, widespread and unquestionably bad for the citizens of America.

IRS Report

A report from 2015 shows the depth of the problem. A total of 1.4 million cases of identity fraud were identified, and the report estimates that a total of 2.4 million cases could have occurred. These examples of fraud are unique and bear strange consequences. In most cases, the illegal immigrants are filing W-2s to be allowed to work. Because they aren’t here legally, they have Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITINs).

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Germans Officially A Minority In Major German City

Sean Adl-Tabatabai – Germans are now officially a minority in their own country, with Frankfurt declaring that 51.2% of its city’s inhabitants now have immigrant backgrounds.

germansAccording to new statistics released in June, Germans are expected to become a minority across other major German cities in the very near future.

Speisa.com reports: There are big differences between Germans and immigrants in family structures, where Germans have far fewer children and far more single households for economics and employment.

Meanwhile, the proportion of the poor is twice as high among immigrants, while having a much lower employment rate. Continue reading

Globalist Pelosi Claims Trans-Border Int’l Community Supersedes US Sovereignty, Security

pelosiRick Wells – Chuck Todd engaged with his liberal Democrat comrade, Nancy Pelosi on the topic of the border wall and clearly demonstrated, as badly as liberalism has messed up his own thinking, his neural pathways are pristine by comparison.

He asks the addlebrained anti-American obstructionist, “Is there any scenario that you will support or that Democrats will help keep the government open if there is money designated to build the wall? Pelosi replies, “The Democrats do not support the wall.”

Rather than speaking truthfully as to the reason – that it would effectively end their campaign of expanding their party through invasion and the destruction of America critical to their globalist ambitions – she shovels out some “DC” brand manure.

Pelosi says, “And I think the Republicans on the border states do not support the wall,” referring to RINOs McCain and Flake, who were part of the amnesty writing team known as the gang of eight, and John Cornyn, also a bought and paid for open borders establishment puppet. Ted Cruz is likely in favor of the wall and being mis-characterized by the lying Democrats and their media allies. Continue reading