How To Neutralize Implants

Michelle Walling – The word implant has been described as being an energetic gateway for negative beings to connect to our bodies. Implants can be physically inserted through E.T. abductions or can be ingested through Chemtrails, GMO foods, and many other substances in our lives. Implants are also present in the etheric body and the purpose of this article is to bring enough information out to be able to keep them neutralized or unable to operate because of a shift in vibration.

People with implants can be implanted with thoughts that are not their own, addictions, sexual perversions, and self destructive behaviors. People have been mind controlled through implants and sent low vibrational energies. Energy vampirism occurs with implants as well as psychotic tendencies which in extreme cases can be diagnosed as schizophrenia. Some implants can move underneath the skin and a crawling sensation is felt. It is estimated that most all humans on the planet suffer from one form of implant or another.

There is hope and there is something that can be done to combat implants. We have the skills to be able to deal with this control mechanism that has been present and connected to the human body for thousands of years as a part of the matrix program. We also have healers that have recently been accelerated into removal of implants remotely, as discussed on my show with Eric Raines and Lynn Williams.

Louisa Love was recently my guest on the Cosmic Awakening Show: How To Neutralize Implants. Louisa is a fully qualified T.A.S.K. Kinesiologist, Advanced Theta Healing Practitioner, EFT Practitioner and Bush Flower Remedy and Reiki Practitioner. She began healing herself from a multitude of traumas and physical body toxicity and things seemed to be going really well in Luisa’s life. She even received a kundalini awakening and was really feeling better than she had ever felt before. Continue reading

Energy Implants And How To Remove Them

“In the years ahead, I see humanity shaking off the mantel of oppression and evolving into a new, more divine form.” – Open

The healing of humanity

ManUnchainedIncreasingly people within spiritual circles are becoming aware of, and speaking out about, “energetic implants” in our energy fields. Working with energy implants is indeed something we do during the Openhand course and one-on-one work. Implants are prevalent within most, if not all, human beings. They’ve been used as a tool by Opposing Consciousness in the ‘dumbing-down’ of humanity. It’s a subject that needs to be elevated into the group consciousness more generally if we are to catalyse and accelerate our further evolution, that we can heal humanity. So what are energetic implants? How do they work? Where did they come from? and most importantly of all, how do we remove them?…

Removing energy implants happens when we are ready

Up to now, we’ve tended not to talk about these implants because they can stretch tired and skeptical minds! But removing them is definitely more effective if people are aware of what’s going on, so I imagine in the years ahead, we’ll be much more transparent about the underlying catalytic healing work Openhand is doing.

During the courses we do, removing energy implants tends to happen naturally within the general underlying shifts of energy, but you can intensify the effect with greater awareness and direct focus. Once you become aware of them personally, essentially you already have the power to remove them yourself. So let’s take a closer look at their nature.

What are energy implants?

I think its important first to understand what they are, where they’ve come from and how they work. As we’re increasingly alluding to, there is a highly sophisticated life form operating in the field all around us. It’s an Inter-dimensional Consciousness – like a virus – which is essentially controlling society and farming humanity for energy. At Openhand we’ve called it an Opposing Consciousness. Continue reading