The “Miracle Cure”: Walking

exerciseCharles Hugh Smith – While selling health-related “miracle cures” of one kind or another is big business, the real “miracle cure” is activity/exercise. The essential role of exercise/fitness is backed up by a large and growing body of evidence. It’s now apparent that humans are “born to walk” and need to stay active to be healthy: eating well isn’t enough.

If we apply the foundational processes of evolution to our own health, we end up focusing on the critical role of activity/exercise in our well-being–and in particular, the impressive benefits of walking.

This includes the impact of exercise on mental acuity/health, as explained in this article: Brains evolved to need exercise Continue reading

2 Main Contributors To The Antibiotic-Resistant Crisis

NaturalSociety  October 21 2013

When most Americans have an infection, they go to their doctor for an antibiotic. In most situations, this antibiotic will do the trick—whether it’s an ear infection or a skin infection, but in some cases, these infections are harder to kill. The truth is, they’ve evolved, mounting a resistance to our modern drugs. The growing number of antibiotic-resistant bacteria should alarm us all and should highlight 2 dangerous practices that are only furthering their strength.

Recently the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a report entitled “Antibiotic resistance threats in the United States, 2013.” In it, the agency warned we could be headed toward a day when modern antibiotics are useless, unable to “cure” the simplest illnesses. And even this traditionally pro-Big Pharma agency suggested the 2 main culprits:

  1. Antibiotic overuse
  2. Factory farming where large scale antibiotic use is the norm

The human body is a complex creation which, when cared for properly, can fight off most illnesses with a bit of rest and proper self-care. But as a whole we’ve become too dependent on antibiotics. With the slightest earache children are taken to their pediatrician for a bottle of pink pharmaceuticals. A sore throat that could be viral is quickly treated with an antibiotic “just in case”. This overuse of antibiotics has triggered the bacteria-causing-infections to simply get stronger in the interest of self-preservation.

This is just the first reason the CDC is finally admitting that the age of antibiotics may soon be over as super-bacteria continue to take over.

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Could Lavender Be The Solution To Drug-Resistant Infections?

Natural Society April 17 2013

Essential oilOften in life, our biggest problems are those we brought upon ourselves; the same could be said for medical problems. Many of our modern diseases and ailments are completely preventable and only present because we have somehow deprived our bodies of the ability to heal themselves. In that same vein, one of the biggest concerns of the health world is an infection that cannot be stopped, an issue largely due to the overuse of antibiotics. But there are many potential solutions for this issue – lavender is one of those solutions.

Using Lavender for Drug-Resistant Infections

For the medical community, drug-resistant infections like MRSA pose serious challenges. These infections have evolved overtime to be virtually indestructible in the face of modern medicine. They look at modern antibiotics and laugh. So, when faced with these infections, doctors increase the dose, combine different drugs and basically throw everything in their arsenal at the infected person to try and get the problem under control.

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