Your Inner Compass

Spiritual Dynamics July 21 2013

The Nature of Change

One constant that you can count on in life is change.

Change exists because life is in motion, and motion is one of the three aspects of the original consciousness that underlies all of Creation. Everything in the universe springs from two complementary aspects of consciousness – thought and feeling – set into motion.

The existence of motion as one of the fundamental components of Creation guarantees that change is continuous. The point of life is to experience infinite variations of expression of the one underlying consciousness, Infinite Being.

Changes in Your Life

Major changes in life are rarely easy, but our very reason for being is to work through changes and experiences in life.

Today, changes are being accelerated by our being in the global transformation called The Shift. Many would say that today’s changes are intense to the point of becoming chaotic. In physics, chaos is a temporary phase between one natural state of harmony and its transformation into a higher form. The transition phase between the two states becomes very choppy until the higher form is reached.

Today, we are in the storm before the calm.

We are so beset by change that it can become hard to discern what changes are important and what changes are just societal noise which has little bearing on the real paths that we need to tread through life. It is here that a sense of inner direction becomes an exquisite asset.

Navigation Through Life

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The Extraordinary Gift Of Inner Spaciousness

Jafree Ozwald & Margot Zaher | July 13 2012

Have you ever looked at the stars at night and been utterly amazed by the infinite spaciousness of this Universe? Just as you notice the vast expansiveness of your outer world, this same spaciousness exists in your inner world. This inner spaciousness is where you can finally rest and find inner peace. You may have noticed that your mind is always thinking, thinking, thinking. It constantly lives in a narrow contracted state, always projecting, interpreting and holding onto a random selection of thoughts and ideas. To bring the mind into harmony you need something extremely spacious and infinitely peaceful to balance it out. This balancing agent is the experience of pure consciousness. Whenever you access a state of pure consciousness you begin to shift from living up in the constant thinking machine of the head, to resting in The Source of pure awareness in your Heart. By learning how to abide in the heart of Consciousness, you’ll tap into one of the most Divine, expansive, spacious, and precious experience a human being can have.

“When calm your mind and your senses, you become conscious of your always-present inner Self.” ~Remez Sasson

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How To Create An Enlightened World

Jafree Ozwald | May 27 2012

“If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life, which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.” ~ Henry David Thoreau

You are much more powerful than you have ever imagined. You have the ability to manifest anything you desire, just by continuously holding your positive attention upon it. This one tiny piece of knowledge is enough to create a massive transformation in your own life, and enlighten millions of people all throughout the planet.

Yes! You are a powerful divine being who can easily sculpt the world around you just like an artist sculpts a hunk of clay. That’s right! You have always been and will always be human and divine. You are both! Yet, the most important thing is to realize you are already are a natural manifesting being who has the power to instantly and effortlessly sculpt this beautiful world you live in.

It’s very important that you understand how you were born powerful beyond measure, because it is something that cannot be taken away from you. Yes, there is nothing you can do to change this. No matter how low you feel, you will always be The One creating your reality. Every thought you think is forming the world around you and inside you. And best of all, it is all coming from a divine unlimited source that is all-loving.

Simply realize and feel this intimate connection to an Unlimited Source of Energy, Love, Divine Intelligence and a Universal Wisdom is within you at all times. The moment you own this hidden “enlightening” power within you, it will be unleashed. As you let it out onto the world around you, you will see that you will be able to manifest anything! The more often you give it away, the deeper you realize that is a power that no one can take away. With this understanding you are truly free.

“You were born with wings. You are not meant for crawling, so don’t. You have wings. Learn to use them and fly.” ~Rumi

To start manifesting an enlightened world around you this week, all that is needed is a constant positive focus of your energy on the image and feeling of what an enlightened world is like for YOU!! See it as if it has already occured. Ok…so how does it feel to already be living in an enlightened world? Notice how will you sleep tonight knowing that your enlightened world is already here. What do you want your new improved version of your enlightened world to look and feel like tomorrow morning? Write out a full description of the kind of world you want to co-create. Spend a few minutes a day improving upon it, always thinking as if is already here now. Focus your mind on it and notice how good you feel after you’re done reading it!

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The Extraordinary Gift of Inner Spaciousness

Jafree Ozwald | Enlightened Beings

consciousnessHave you ever looked at the stars at night and been utterly amazed by the infinite spaciousness of this Universe? Just as you notice the vast expansiveness of your outer world, this same spaciousness exists in your inner world. This inner spaciousness is where you can finally rest and find inner peace. You may have noticed that your mind is always thinking, thinking, thinking. It constantly lives in a narrow contracted state, always projecting, interpreting and holding onto a random selection of thoughts and ideas. To bring the mind into harmony you need something extremely spacious and infinitely peaceful to balance it out. This balancing agent is the experience of pure consciousness. Whenever you access a state of pure consciousness you begin to shift from living up in the constant thinking machine of the head, to resting in The Source of pure awareness in your Heart. By learning how to abide in the heart of Consciousness, you’ll tap into one of the most Divine, expansive, spacious, and precious experience a human being can have.

“When calm your mind and your senses, you become conscious of your always-present inner Self.” ~Remez Sasson

This vast spaciousness can be instantly found when you practice resting in the space between your thoughts. The more you can relax here, the easier it is to deal with everything life throws your way. When an emotional situation arises, you are able to sit back, give it some space to percolate, experience it, and then let it go! Everything you do throughout your day becomes easier when you live with a “spacious awareness”. This does not mean you’re becoming more of a “space cadet”, you are actually being MORE present to what is happening in the here and now. You are genuinely happy and can experience just about ANYTHING that is happening without getting upset or triggered. The spaciousness also allows you to feel a sensation of timelessness, so that you can relax when facing a deadline, and find peace no matter what pressure life’s agenda may have on you. With the gift of spaciousness, you’ll naturally become a more centered grounded human being who is able to observe your experience, rather than be desperately driven by the reactive ego-demanding personality.

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How to Start Attracting Financial Abundance

Jafree Ozwald  | Enlightened Beings | March 31 2012

“The Universe has billions of ways to keep us humble and fascinated all at the same time.” ~Mike Pearson

There are many people in the world who don’t realize that the Universe is a magical, intelligent and abundant playground. They are blinded by limiting thoughts and feelings around money. These beliefs distract them from being open, loving and appreciative for what they do have and tapping into the abundant Universe that is available. It is this addiction to desire, to constantly wanting this or that and not getting the ego’s needs met, which eventually creates the lacking stuck feeling on the inside which later manifests into their bank account in the outer world.

Consciously or unconsciously, you are creating your financial situation everyday. We are either in the habit of proclaiming to the Universe that we are lacking and there is just not enough, OR we are being thankful and appreciative for everything that we do have. Once you see that your thoughts are creating each and every moment of reality, any previous cycle of financial stuckness can dissolve instantly from your life.

What you think about is what you get. If you visualize the end of the month is going to be tough and feel a ‘squeeze’ happening there, you are manifesting a future financial crunch, and may suddenly feel more stressed, hurried and serious about life. If you were only looking into your future feeling a sense of abundance with a deep calm serene energy, you’d manifest a very abundant joyful life. We always manifest situations which mirror the consciousness of where we are at. Whatever the mind dwells upon, is what we manifest.

Everything changes when you see that right now you have the opportunity to change your financial future. You can step outside of your financial box, and explore what it’s like that life is easy for you. Stop affirming to the Universe (through complaining) that there’s never enough of this or that. Focus instead on gratitude, and you’ll start seeing opportunities around every corner, knowing this life is a gift everywhere you go.

All suffering comes from a deep demanding and grasping habit that states, “life should be something other than what it is.” When you relinquish the addiction to this type of thinking you’ll discover deeper feelings of joy, peace and abundance inside. Through the mindful practice of sitting back from your thoughts, observing the minds habit, inner peace will find you. You may or may not get all of your ego’s needs, wants and desires met in life, yet one day you might discover something much better…the secret to totally transcend the habit of suffering.

“The secret of happiness lies in the mind’s release from worldly ties.” ~Buddha

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