If You Possess 4 of These Traits, You Are One of the Rarest People on Earth

personalityGotta Do The Right Thing – According to Carl Jung, the personalities of people are represented by general attitude: sensitive – intuitive, extroverted – introverted, judging – perceiving, and thinking – feeling.

So, when you get out the 4 initial letters INFJ from these personalities, you get the rarest type which is Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging. When you look at a classroom, you can see only one or two students who are quiet and observing of what is going on around.

This is the rarest type. They are not shy, but introverted. But, being quiet is not the only characteristic of this personality.

Below you can read 10 traits of the unique INFJ personality, and see if you belong to this group.

1. The Focus is on Important Things

These people always concentrate on important things and deal with challenges in a confident and easy way. And, when the things do not go as planned, they find new ways to achieve their goals. Continue reading