Vaping Versus Smoking Cigarettes

vapingIt’s getting harder and harder to smoke in public these days. If you smoke you’ve probably learned that if you’re planning to eat at certain restaurants or bars you must go outside to smoke.

This is because smoking is a health risk and non-smokers do not want to breathe in second-hand smoke. In other words non-smokers won the war against smoking and that’s actually a good thing for people’s health.

Fortunately for smokers an alternative to smoking cigarettes exists, and that’s vaping. According to published studies vaping is 97% safer than smoking cigarettes. In addition, vaping is accepted in many places that ban cigarette smoking.

Vaping is Better for Your Health

The reason vaping is better is vapes don’t have all the nasty, injurious chemicals that cigarettes do, even though vapes do contain nicotine. Even though nicotine is considered harmful and addictive vaping is safer than smoking cigarettes. Continue reading