The Shift Within: Transformative Effects of Eclipse Energies

The Shift Within: Transformative Effects of Eclipse EnergiesAilia Mira – In the wake of the eclipse cycle, many of us are still feeling the energies + working with what these transits brought up.

How are you doing?!

This was the strongest energy that I have ever felt in an eclipse cycle. It also seemed very pointed in the way it affected me. Eclipse always bring things up that are ripe for change, but this Eclipse Cycle felt more keenly associated with the evolution of our consciousness.

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Which Timeline Are You On?

Which Timeline Are You On?Daniel Scranton – “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are putting a great deal of emphasis at this time on listening to your inner guidance, because you have never lived on Earth in any other lifetime where you have had as much influence from outside sources available to you.

You can go onto your computer, your phone, your tablet, and find out what someone else is thinking, what someone else is predicting, who lives thousands of miles away. And there isn’t just one person who’s offering their perspective online. There are so many who are doing this, who are influencing many, many people and how they think, what they believe, and ultimately, how they vibrate. Continue reading

How to Stop Being Manipulated By Threats of Chaos

chaosPaul Lenda – Chaos! It’s a narrative that is pushed by those who don’t particularly take a liking to humans. It’s something that is promoted as being true and instigated by malevolent and psychopathic individuals and groups as a way to manipulate humans into generating more fear and anger, which are emotions they believe to be quite savory for their purposes.

As innately sovereign beings standing in two worlds (physical and metaphysical), we have to make the decision to become afraid or angry, or allow ourselves to be played in a way that enables those energies to consume us.

Ordo ab Chao is an old trick used for longer than any of us can fathom, be it here on Earth or elsewhere. As long as there is a capacity for an organic and sentient 3D interface like a human to experience a state of fear, it will be leveraged to achieve the agenda of those who have become very far removed from their Source sparks. It’s happening right now, and in a big way. Continue reading

How Inner Guidance of Intuition Enhances Our Lives

intuitionJudi Lynch – Listening to our inner guidance can not only enhance our lives, it can absolutely save it. Many people have experiences that involve acting on something because of a “feeling” or a dream in which there was a clear message.

In many cases, they were correct. Sometimes anxiety and fear can cause confusion as to which is an actual message or possibly just imagination. Learning to be still so that we can hear the psychic connections in their true transmission is very important.

Our spiritual connections need clearing to function properly. If we feel a lot of internal noise and issues surfacing on a regular basis, it is a good idea to examine how we can effectively take steps to help in healing past hurt and trauma. Clearing out the spaces in our hearts helps us to accept new ideas, people, and places. Our ability to connect with spirit will become brighter, our tone lighter, and our purpose clearer. This sustains our lives. Continue reading