8 Emotional Patterns That Can Disturb Our Inner Peace

“There are many emotional states that can potentially steer us from our contentment and sense of inner peace. The reality is if we’re living with these self-harming conditions, then we’re not properly taking care of ourselves.” – P Watt

EmotionalAt some stage of our lives we all experience emotional dysfunction to some degree, especially when we’re maturing. In some cases it may just be part of the learning curve as we grow into our more developed selves. Simple examples are that we might dwell on a problem too long, get upset or angry too easily, or think self-abusive thoughts consistently. For others it might impact us more significantly and even result in a form of mental illness.

Yet that isn’t to say that negative thoughts or feelings are dysfunctional. In the short term, experiencing negative thoughts and emotions is natural because we’re human and it is part of the human experience. Instead of that negativity being suppressed, when we give it the space to breathe, it voluntarily gives way to our fundamental philosophies and beliefs and more positive feelings. However, when we feel these emotions for ongoing periods of time it can have a detrimental impact on us and others.

Even though it’s important to productively feel all of our emotions, if we want to establish and maintain our inner peace, then we have no option but to overcome the emotional dysfunction plaguing our ego and sense of self.

For example, constantly being stressed, angry, sad, and jealous, or an array of other negative mind states, is emotional dysfunction. Rationales like “I’ve got a short fuse” or “I’m heartbroken” reflect self-destructive behaviour, especially when they occur over long periods of time. Anything negative that we continually maintain inside of us is inherently self-abuse. Unfortunately, these states of mind are generally considered normal and acceptable for people in our society, while we put little emphasis on the damage that these states have on our health and general wellbeing. Continue reading

Our Enlightened New World


Jafree Ozwald – You may have already sensed that a New World is coming into each of our personal lives. If you stop and truly pay attention, you can feel it. As everything continues moving faster and faster we cannot help but wake up and realize our divine infinite potentiality. We are each being pulled, cajoled, and summoned to spiritually awaken by the people and global events around us. Our planets economic, political and environmental shifts are our “wake up calls”, forcing us to individually turn inwards, and create a more sensitive, loving, and conscious approach to life. This deeper sensitivity has in turn awakened a new kind of human being inside all of us. A being who is attuned to their natural divine state within, guided by their intuition, and enlightened by their own individual consciousness.

“The roses bloom so beautifully because they are not trying to become lotuses. All effort is futile. You have to be just yourself.” ~Osho

As the world continues to wake us up, the number of enlightened beings will naturally multiply and collectively in time create a New World. This global enlightenment will create a foundation of peace for this planet for the first time in many millennia. Our planet is about to give birth to billions of heart centered open minded people, and nobody is going to miss this massive enlightening ride!!
The experience of world peace is only created by a massive movement of individual inner peace. This global feeling of peace occurs when the “hundredth monkey” wakes up to recognize that inside is something exquisite, unlimited in potential, and truly Divine. The massive spiritual awakening is also based on a scientific evidence of a true energetic shift in our physical environment.

Astronomers have calculated that by Solstice on December 21st 2012, there will be a cosmic perfect alignment of our planet Earth, our Sun, and the very center of our Milky Way galaxy. This is the exact date that the ancient 26,000 year Mayan calendar predicted that the New World will “officially” begin. Many of you are already awake, and are here to simply assist the rest of the planet by being a guiding light for their spiritual awakening.

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Spontaneous Evolution Update 2013 [Video]

Bruce Lipton

Into 2013 we can let go of the limiting beliefs and myth perceptions. It is time to create inner peace for ourselves and the planet as a whole. Started feeling concern about the Supreme Courts decision to allow Corporate Interets to spend as much money as they wanted in supporting their ‘own’ candidate. The public dismissed all corporate interestes on election day- which supports what is actually needed, a new perception.