Intellect is Limited to Earth Experiences

inner voiceBrenda Hoffman – Even though your need to be right is a topic we, of the Universes, have touched upon before, the recent energies have encouraged some forerunners to dig deeper into their 3D rightness.

All issues – both old and new – are now up for review and discussion. Even so, some of you have continued your 3D beliefs in your new life.

There is no wrong or right – only what you need at any moment. Others with differing opinions might be in a different phase or helping you recognize your new you needs. Continue reading

Breathe Deeply Into Knowing


Veronica – To all who are wondering why they are here, we say breathe deeply into the knowing.

Do not slip into the judgement of those who simply do not know.

Recognize your being for what it is, special. Yes, we said special. no other explanation will do.

You did not come here for the opinion of others. You did not come here to sit idle in the corner as others proceed past you to their own destiny.

You are the only one who can bring forth your gifts. The only one who can understand the purpose of your existence. The others are simply bystanders. With love, send them on their own path.

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Oracle Report ~ Monday, July 11, 2016

Water lily – photo by Liz

Crescent Moon/First Quarter Moon Phase in Libra 8:53 pm ET/00:53 am UT

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Dhumavati, Goddess Who Sorts and Winnows; Bhairavi, Goddess Who Fortifies the Heart; Kamala, Goddess of the Lotus

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Kathe, God of the South

Skill:  connect with the inner voice; unification; see deeper or greater meaning

True Alignments: layering or going through things in layers, ease, creative containment of emotions, background messages, signs and synchronicities, pleasant and pleasure, recognition/satisfaction of needs, truth

Catalysts for Change: perfectionism, masquerading, giving up or retreating, clichés, uncommitted, disregard/inconsiderate of the feelings of others, ungrounded or unmoored, taking all of the credit, narrow-minded, overpowered, denial, false flags

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month:  “a very old man facing a vast space to the northeast” (facing, face offs, tapping into The Creative Void, casting)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the magic carpet of Oriental imagery” (transcending worries/the past/the control paradigm)

Well where were we when we were so rudely interrupted?

We were beginning the Crescent Moon phase, the time of perseverance.  During that Moon phase, the collective of humanity persevered through the beginning of the Archons pulling multiple trauma triggers (emotional, mental, and physical responses), which we could call “casting spells.”  The dark magicians are hard at work at their evil chess game.

However, all of that is about to change today because:

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