How Can An Insolvency Expert Assist Your Business

insolvencyInsolvency is not an easy process to be dealt with. The rules and regulations of the statutory authority have to be strictly complied with. That is why it is necessary to consult a professional insolvency expert who has sufficient experience of dealings in insolvency in the past. The insolvency experts have to be hired to get to know the company affairs beforehand. Insolvency experts play a significant role in carrying out the duties of insolvency professionals for companies and individuals.

Here are some of the ways how an insolvency expert can assist your business in insolvency proceedings and otherwise: Continue reading

Unreal. The Fed Believes Its Own Insolvency “Would Not Create Serious Problems.”

Simon Black – In October 1925, English mathematician Karl Pearson began publishing a multipart series of groundbreaking articles in the Annals of Human Eugenics.

The series was entitled, “The Problem of Alien Immigration into Great Britain, Illustrated by an Examination of Russian and Polish Jewish Children,” and it went on for hundreds of pages over several years.


Pearson’s article focused on “whether the intelligence of the alien Jewish children is closely correlated with their defective physique. . .” and concluded, among many other things, that “Jewish girls have less intelligence than Gentile girls. . .”


Pearson was considered a well-respected scientist. Yet his entire career is full of such work analyzing the various races and making ‘scientific’ claims about their deficiencies to the point that he openly advocated for “war with inferior races.” Continue reading