Weekly Astrology for February 20-26 [Video]

  • Joseph P Anthony – Buckle up, this week we have some unstable cosmic activity ahead. A hazardous New Moon Solar Eclipse and two difficult challenges from Mars dominate the celestial skies this week. It starts off on Wednesday, February 22, when Mars squares the Moon and Pluto. Mars and Pluto only square off every two years, and when they do, it happens twice (the second square occurs on November 19, 2017).


The energy of this Mars and Moon-Pluto clash increases the possible use of military force and/or the potential for powerful weather incidents. Unfortunately, the threat level rises even higher on Sunday, February 26, with the intense energies generated by the Pisces New Moon Solar Eclipse, and even more fuel is added to the fire later that same day when Mars joins up with unpredictable Uranus in fiery Aries. Between Mars, Pluto, Uranus, and the Solar Eclipse, this is absolutely not a good week to make a big decision or initiate any new ideas.

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The Struggle Of Venezuela Against ‘a Common Enemy

President Nicolas Maduro
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro

Albert: Why would the United States want Venezuela’s government overthrown?

Pilger: There are straightforward principles and dynamics at work here. Washington wants to get rid of the Venezuelan government because it is independent of US designs for the region and because Venezuela has the greatest proven oil reserves in the world and uses its oil revenue to improve the quality of ordinary lives.

Venezuela remains a source of inspiration for social reform in a continent ravaged by an historically rapacious US. An Oxfam report once famously described the Sandinista revolution in Nicaragua as ‘the threat of a good example’. That has been true in Venezuela since Hugo Chavez won his first election. The ‘threat’ of Venezuela is greater, of course, because it is not tiny and weak; it is rich and influential and regarded as such by China.

The remarkable change in fortunes for millions of people in Latin America is at the heart of US hostility. The US has been the undeclared enemy of social progress in Latin America for two centuries. It doesn’t matter who has been in the White House: Barack Obama or Teddy Roosevelt; the US will not tolerate countries with governments and cultures that put the needs of their own people first and refuse to promote or succumb to US demands and pressures.

A reformist social democracy with a capitalist base – such as Venezuela – is not excused by the rulers of the world. What is inexcusable is Venezuela’s political independence; only complete deference is acceptable. The ‘survival’ of Chavista Venezuela is a testament to the support of ordinary Venezuelans for their elected government – that was clear to me when I was last there.  Venezuela’s weakness is that the political ‘opposition’ – those I would call the ‘East Caracas Mob’ – represent powerful interests who have been allowed to retain critical economic power. Only when that power is diminished will Venezuela shake off the constant menace of foreign-backed, often criminal subversion. No society should have to deal with that, year in, year out.

Albert: What methods has the US already used and would you anticipate their using to unseat the Bolivarians Continue reading