Mac Slavo ~ Obamacare Success: Half Of Georgia’s Insurance Enrollees Fail To Make Monthly Payment

Activist Post  April 22 2014

The Obama administration has stated unequivocally that the debate concerning whether or not the Patient Affordable Care Act has been a success is over. They’ve won the argument and its evidenced by the tens of thousands of Americans who have signed up on exchanges across the country.

Here’s a small glimpse into just how successful Obamacare has been.

In Georgia, where some 650,000 people are eligible for subsidies only about 220,000 applications have thus far been received. So, to start, we’re about 70% short on the originally estimated sign up rate.

Even more successful than that, however, is that of those 220,000 received applications Georgia Health News reports that at least half of the applicants have failed to actually pay their monthly premiums even though most of those people are being subsidized by the government to some extent.

Georgia insurers received more than 220,000 applications for health coverage in the Affordable Care Act’s exchange as of the official federal deadline of March 31, state officials said Wednesday.

Insurance Commissioner Ralph Hudgens, though, said premiums have been received for only 107,581 of those policies, which cover 149,465 people.

“Many Georgians completed the application process by the deadline, but have yet to pay for the coverage,” Hudgens said in a statement Wednesday.

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Obamacare Sticker Shock

SteveLendman October 30 2013

Obama sold smoke and mirrors. He makes used car salesmen look respectable by comparison. His Affordable Care Act (ACA) provides unaffordable coverage.

Millions of households have to pay 40% or more out-of-pocket. It’s for co-pays and deductibles. It’s on top of costly premiums.

Coverage for 50-year-olds making $46,100 is $10,585. Co-pays and deductibles add up to another $6,250.

Healthcare in America is double its cost in other developed countries. It’s increasingly less affordable. Little is done to constrain annual price hikes. It wasn’t always this way. A previous article explained.

In 1960, healthcare as a percent of GDP was 5.1%. In 2002, it was 15%. In 2011, it was 17.9%. By 2020, it’ll exceed 20%.

Between 1960 and 2009, average annual healthcare spending rose from $147 per person to $8,086. It reflected a 55-fold increase.

In inflation-adjusted 2010 dollars, it increased annually from $1,082 to $8,218 – a 7.6-fold rise.

In 1942, Christ Hospital, NJ charged $7 per day for a maternity room. Today it’s $1,360.

In 1980, a typical US hospital room cost $127. Today it’s multi-times higher.

A 2011 survey of 11 Ohio hospitals found daily hospital room prices ranged from $688 – $2,425. Cost averaged $1,393. The median price was $1,322.

ACA escalates costs higher. Doing so prices millions out of expensive care when it’s most needed. Others will get much less than they expected.

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Bring It On: I Will Not Comply With Obamacare

TheOrganicPrepper October 7 2013

I will not comply with Obamacare.

There. I said it.

I am unequivocally not going to be complying with Obamacare.

I also won’t be purchasing health insurance at 4 times the regular price, nor will I participate in the government-funded “exchange” for “affordable” healthcare.

Now, first, let me be clear – this isn’t because I’d be paying $20,000 per year for the crappiest coverage. In reality, Obamacare and the subsidies my family is eligible for would make the cost incredibly reasonable – but that is not the point.

The point is this: I am an American, and as such, I refuse to be forced to purchase anything else. I have already been forced to have car insurance, forced to purchase annually the “privilege” of driving via a license and having a (paid-for) car on the road via a license plate, and forced to pay taxes on my income and every purchase that I make.

When I moved back home to America after living in Canada, I never expected to be subjected to government coercion on this grand scale. I will not comply. The government is fond of saying that they will not negotiate with terrorists. Well, neither will I – and the US government under the reign of Barack Obama is the biggest terrorist organization around.

Michael Rivero of What Really Happened gives the best explanation I’ve seen for why the government is so intent that everyone must participate in this program. They have run the country into the ground and want to force us all to pay as they vainly struggle to keep things afloat. This is a last ditch effort – the only alternative is economic collapse.

Obama’s utter refusal to compromise or delay Obamacare is more than mere political grandstanding. Obama has to prove he can continue to make the payments on the government debt. Now, based on reports we are getting form people who did sign up for Obamacare, they are being offered policies that cost about $500 a month, and have a deductible in the tens of thousands. That means that for the vast majority of Americans, they will be paying $500 month for insurance that will in fact pay none of their medical costs. So, $500 a month is $6000 a year times 200 million complying Americans equals $1.2 trillion a year pouring into the Health Insurance companies as pure profit, of which the US Government gets almost $200 billion in taxes (plus the IRS fines on those who refuse to sign up). And THAT is why Obama is demanding that Obamacare move forward now, despite a totally botched computer management system and despite 71% public opposition. Absent that new cash flow, the US Government will collapse, and the one year delay proposed by the House of Representatives is far to long to survive without some new source of loot from the public. (source)

It’s clear that our non-compliance in large numbers could stop this madness. We just have to say, “No. I will not comply.”

Why is this such a big deal?

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Big Corporation, Tiny Heart

By Jim Hightower | Nation Of Change
November 14 2011

Charles DickensOP-ED | How small can a giant corporation get? I don’t mean in size, but in spirit.

Once again, America’s biggest commercial empire — Walmart — is displaying its incredibly shriveled ethical center by whacking the already meager health care benefits that hundreds of thousands of its workers count on.

Just a couple of years ago, this $408 billion-a-year retailing colossus tried to hush critics of its Dickensian labor policies by ballyhooing a bare-bones health care plan for its “associates.” The insurance scheme had such high deductibles, however, that barely half of its employees bought into it.

Now, even that benefit is being yanked from the 40 percent of Walmart’s employees who are part-time workers. Also, insurance premiums and deductibles are being dramatically jacked up for thousands of full-time workers. For example, one full-timer who’s paid only $12,000 a year will see her premium more than double to about $3,300 a year — a fourth of her income! “I won’t be able to afford the insurance,” she says, “and I really can’t go without insurance, because I have a heart problem.”

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