Put Your Consciousness on the Cabal, or a Flower?

Put Your Consciousness on the Cabal, or a Flower?Daniel Scranton – “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very deep in our understanding of consciousness, and you are just beginning to scratch the surface of what consciousness is. Therefore, we have a lot to give you in that regard, and as always, we can only lead you in the right direction so that you can have your own experiences, but we cannot just bestow upon you the level of consciousness that we have been able to attain. It takes time and it takes practice to reach a point where you know what you are focusing on in every moment, and you are focusing with purpose. Continue reading

A Vision of the New Earth, a Celebration and Invocation for 11-11-15

This is intended to be a vision for the 11-11-2015. I am going to discuss the vision I had regarding how the old paradigm can transition into a new paradigm easily, safely, joyfully. The vision I had is that all the organizations in which people live and work — all the ones that they have come to depend upon, that they would be confused and bereft if they were to suddenly disappear.

All the organizations can transform into their higher dimensional versions. And that transformation is initiated by a vibrational shift among the populace that gets them to the level which they can understand the transition and integrate it very easily into their hearts and minds and in their physical existence.

Let’s take these organizations one by one just as samples.

We see corporations turning into cooperatives being owned and operated by the people who are the employees. And therefore they have a vested interest in these organizations. Going to work is fun and inspiring; everyone works in the position that they are most challenged and inspired by and that they feel the best at. And they can easily move from position to position, according to what they desire at the time.

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Shifting your emotional set-point

setDana Mrkich – If your life was a building, with every floor representing a certain emotion that you end up feeling time and again, which floor do you end up spending the most time on?

There is a ‘set-point’ theory that states we all have certain conditions we naturally revert back to despite any actions we take or dreams we have to change those conditions. Thus it’s often the case that the billionaire who goes bankrupt will end up a billionaire again. The person who has spent a lifetime, and generations, in financial hardship, will commonly end up with no money again years after winning the lottery. A person often goes back to the same weight range repeatedly regardless of what they eat.

So too, if we are used to feeling disappointed, rejected or unsupported we will regularly re-invite that emotion into our life. Our eyes may be firmly fixed on an experience we want that exists on the penthouse level. We may even manage to get our lift to take us up there, and mingle in that environment for some time. However, if our emotional set-point is still anchored in some deep-rooted floor below, that anchor will yank us back down, making it hard to achieve, or maintain, our penthouse dreams and desires.

It was a bit of a depressing thought for set-point theorists to think that we can’t change our set-point lot in life, BUT studies AND lots of people’s experiences are showing that in fact we CAN change our set-points. Continue reading

5 Things Happy People Do Before Getting Out of Bed Every Morning

“Everything is in a constant state of change… it’s the only constant in existence. We change all the time whether we realize it or not.” – P Lenda

WomanSmileBedYou just woke up and are ready to get out of your bed and start your day. But wait! Let’s bring some mindfulness into life from the moment we get lucid. I recently saw a list floating around of five things you should do before getting out of bed, and a chain of events led me to putting them into words to share with others.

These five things can be looked at as life hacks because they’re so simple and easy to add to our daily routine yet so effective that it begs the question why we weren’t doing them before. You’ll soon discover that they will elevate your state of mind and make you feel like you’re going to be successful at whatever you set out to do. The first step towards accomplishing something is having the intent to accomplish something. These five things will help you do just that.

 1. Express gratitude

Every new day leads to a new way to say “thank you” for being alive. Everything we experience and are capable of experiencing on this blue marble in this universal arena is something to be grateful for. Contemplate the fact that something rather than nothing exists and that within that something we exist and experience such an amazing reality. There is always something to be grateful for, we simply need to look around us and within us. Through continued gratitude we cannot help but feel an explosive volcanic eruption of bliss to be so fortunate as to have what we have. Continue reading

The Story Of Creation

“Intent and love together created a universe.” O K Waters

OwenKWatersMost religions and spiritual cultures hold an image of God the Creator in one of three forms:

1. A single creative entity. This is a perfectly valid view of God, one which ignores the different facets of consciousness that were needed to create the universe and, instead, focuses on the One.

2. A duality, where God employs two aspects of itself in order to achieve the Creation of the universe. Creation myths from around the world mention a dividing of the “waters” of original consciousness.

3. A trinity, where the two aspects of consciousness are activated by a third principle, motion, as in the motion initiated by the original creative command, “Let there be light.”

In ancient Greece, the universe was said to have been a place without light until Eros (Love) arose, bringing light and order. Here we have intent and feeling bringing light into being.

In the ancient Aztec culture, an original “Lord” and “Lady” were said to have brought into existence all things. People throughout history have more easily understood humanized, parental versions of God. After all, concepts like God the Father and the Divine Mother have been much more understandable than faceless, fundamental principles. Continue reading