Yes, We Need an Intervention

pelosiWayne Allyn Root –  Nancy Pelosi spoke of Trump’s “cover-up” and asked Trump’s aides and family for an “intervention” earlier this week. The insinuation of course, is that President Trump has lost his mind, or is acting in ways that could damage our country.

What a coincidence. I was thinking the exact same thing about Nancy Pelosi and her Democrat pals.

The line by Pelosi makes perfect sense. Democrats are students of Saul Alinsky. The now dead radical community organizer had this advice for his Marxist, America-hating students: “Look in the mirror. Whatever you see, whatever you’ve done, blame it on the other guy.” Continue reading

Intervention On Earth: A Synthetic System Of Control

What is the Intervention Agenda here on Earth?

Open – Increasingly, spiritual community sites are talking about an Interdimensional Intervention that’s been taking place here on Earth. Such discussions are met with anything interventionfrom courageous support, quiet agreement or with resistance and outright incredulity. “Where are they?” is often asked “Where’s the evidence?”

Well firstly the Intervention can be observed by its effects – the creation of a synthetic reality of control. But if you actually want to ‘see’ these entities, it is with the inner eye that you must look. We must be fully tuned into our feelings and thoughts. It is only then that the patterning of behavioural experiences yields a top down, multi-dimensional view. From this perspective, what might the Intervention Agenda be?…

Ancient Agenda

Firstly it is important to say I totally understand people’s skepticism to this challenging subject. In fact I would encourage people to be skeptical, but at the same time, open to possibility. Especially when you consider the outright lunacy that masquerades as ‘leadership’ within our society these days, which is leading to the rapid, inexorable destruction of 3D Earth. So what I personally have to share, I don’t expect people to necessarily take at face value. Instead I offer my point of view to cause people to explore and delve deeper; to stay open in order that we may truly appreciate the fullness of what’s really going on…

I have encountered this Opposing Consciousness knowingly, countless times over many life times. I know what they’re about and what they’re up to. You can only truly make sense of what’s going on in society by understanding their influence on it. What’s more important still, we will never heal the situation here on Earth until we have fully engaged this Intervention Consciousness and dealt with it, which I hasten to add, is in our capability to achieve. Continue reading